Chapter 40 - His House

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My face is meltingggggg harharhar

It was Saturday. The day had started uneventfully and before you knew it you were putting on (choose outfit).

After dressing, you stood outside your house and texted your group partner for his address. You bounced on your leg slightly as you waited.

Before long, you had your reply and were following a map on your phone to the place. Luckily, it wasn't to far away.

The house seemed average enough and you barely spent a moment to double check the address and walk up to the front door.

You knocked on the door and stepped back once as you waited. The door swung open and a woman was standing there.

"Huh. She looks exactly like-"

"Oh, you must be Y/n, Katsuki said you'd be coming over, its so nice to meet you! I'm Mitsuki, his mom!" She smiled, shaking your hand quickly.

"Right, its nice to meet you too." You replied in your usual tone.

She let you inside then stood back with her hands clasped together. You felt uncomfortable as her eyes scanned you up and down.

She then smiled, "You are beautiful."

You felt your face heat up.

"O-Oh, thank you."

Suddenly there was a thump then a yell from up the stairs. More thumps quickly followed before the angry blonde was hurrying down the stairs.

"Why the hell didn't you say you were here!" He yelled.

"Wow, he must have good hearing or something."

Suddenly, he got a harsh smack to his head.

"Don't be rude to our guest!"

"You hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" He was answered with another smack.

"I'd like to see you try!"

He growled angrily before roughly gripping your wrist and almost literally dragging you up and into a room where he finally released you.

"You have an.... interesting.. Family dynamic." You spoke.

He huffed before pulling out a stack of papers and dropping them on the floor.

"That's all the work from the other day."

"Ok," you pulled out a laptop from your bag, "I'll start converting it into a power point."

You could practically hear his eyes roll before the creak of the bed signified that he had laid down.

You typed away on the keyboard for about 20 minutes before you felt a presence next to you.

Looking over your shoulder slightly, you gazed at his face, in its usual scowl.

"Can I help you?" You asked in a bittersweet tone.

His crimson orbs flashed over to stare into your e/c ones. He leaned forward slightly, mouth parting.

Until next time! ~

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