Chapter 19- Fear

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You sat bolt up right, covering your ears and pulling your knees to your chest. Another snap and flash of lightning and you were instantly teleported through time, back to a place you never wanted to go.

Blood. Death. The raging storm that never seemed to pass. It was all to real. You wanted to scream out for help, but your lips only quivered as floods of tears washed down your face similarly to the rain running down the window.

You became deaf to your surroundings, the crashes of thunder stopping for a few seconds only to begin again.


Your breathing became ragged and fast, a ghastly familiar face appearing in your eyes. The h/c woman smiled softly.

"Y/n, I love you dear."

You felt like you were choking, a younger you turned around, staring down the dark abyss that was the barrel of a gun, then-


Your body froze. It was like ice grew in every vein, every muscle. The only thing that you could feel moving was your heart. The hard, erratic beat of your heart.

T-That voice... Who is it!?

Your hand numbly reached to cover your face, your icy finger tips brushed your wet cheek and your body began to shake with the amount of stress being forced on your brain.

Footsteps started to approach.

I-Is it him?! Is it that man... is he still alive!?

Another crack of thunder and the ball that was your body tightened, your hand clutching so hard at the blanket it turned white.

"This will be your final test. You'll probably die so there's no point in wasting time." A cold, gloved hand was wrapped around your hand tightly, making escape practically impossible, even as you clawed desperatly at it.



A warm hand harshly grabbed your hand, thumb, index, and middle pressed together as if to make your boarder of light. Another hand clumsily reached down before wrapping around your wrist.

You were pulled forward, sliding out of your ball formation and into an open position. You felt the air around you shift, unable to see as it was still pitch black in the room.

"What the hell's wrong with you? And don't you dare fucking tell me your scared of storms or I'm gonna hit you." A voice quietly snapped.

You were about to speak but another boom of thunder and flash of lightning rendered you practically speachless and fighting another awful memory from surfacing.

You failed as random, scattered, fragments from different memories stormed you. The cries of your mother and the lifeless form of your father in the corner of the room.

The maniacal and sadistic grin of a psychopath, ready to kill you. Endless days of torture and tests that were beyond brutal and cruel. Worst of all, the coldness, never again feeling the warm embrace of someone who shared equal amounts of love for you as you did for them.

A fresh new wave of hot and strained tears painfully forced their way out of your eyes. You clutched at your head as your senses writhed around you, everything becoming indistinct and dull.

Something brushed against your powers forearm before warmth encircled you. You barely processed it, just managing to make out warmth instead of cold.

"I fucking swear, tell anyone about this and you die."

As much as you wanted to make a snide remark, your mind was still much to muttled to be snarky. Instead you manage a small but dry chuckle as you face naturally sank into him chest.

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