Chapter 60 - Puppet

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He still had barely a scratch on him, your attacks seeming to have little effect on him. You stood in a ready postion next to Katsuki.

Going in for another attack, you watched as he unhooked one of his gauntlets and pulled the lever, sending off a huge explosion to the villain.

You went to inflict a beam light into the man but he caught the end and pulled it forward, along with you, grabbed your wrist and threw you away from him.

You were flung away easily, your body bouncing off the ground painfully before laying still.

"Y/n!" You heard Bakugou call.

Your body was lifted from the ground and you felt a rush of wind as you were brought into cover.

"Shit, are you ok?"

You coughed a bit, "I'm doing great."

You forced a smile before reaching forward, resting your palm against his cheek, running your thumb across a cut on his face.

"I hope it doesn't scar."

"What about you?" You asked.

"You know I'm goddamn amazing, we need a better plan to best this fucker." He said in a low voice.

"Do you think we could try to combine our attacks?"You asked.

He looked at you in curiousity.

"You know, like a kind of light explosion double attack? I bet something like that would be really powerful, but we would only get on shot." You continued.

"It... That might work." He said, "Lets try it, even if it drains all our power."

You nodded and watched as he got ready to stand. Your heart leaped and your body moved forward, wrapping him into a hug.

"Huh? Y/n, now's not the time to-"

You cut him off as you pressed your lips onto his. After a few seconds You pulled away.

"J-Just as a precaution. You know just in case.."

"Stop over reacting, now lets fucking do this!"

You followed Katsuki out of your hiding place and walked toward the villain before stopping about 20 feet apart.

You stood with your partner boldly, ready for attack.

"This wont do, I guess I'll have to resort to a different tactic." The villain said dully.

Before You could even wonder what he was talking about, arrows that were pure black were fired at you. Your eyes widened as you watched them grow closer in seconds.

"No!" You yelled as a body stepped in front of you.

You grabbed onto Katsuki's chest, it was to late, you already knew what had happened, you just couldn't believe it.

The rocks beneath you made a scrapping noise as the weight of the blonde forced you to you knees.

The most painful feeling pierced your chest as tears stung your eyes. You expected your hands to feel warm but instead you felt him move against you.

He pushed away from you and stood up stiffly. You blinked a few times. His expression was blank and his red eyes stared down at you blankly.

"Katsu-" you were cut off as an explosion was sent to you, making you cry out in surprise.

"You didn't think id actually kill him did you? No, he's just my puppet, well until I say" the villain spoke.

"I..... I cant fight him!"

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