Chapter 56 - Bland

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Once again, some events not true to actual storyline in anime/manga.

"I cant believe they fought!"

You stood, slightly surprised to find slightly bandaged up Bakugou and Midoriya vacuuming the common room. Everyome was teasing them about their punishment and beginning to walk to class.

Before you left the building, you looked over your shoulder and saw Katsuki's red gaze locked on you, meeting with yours when you had turned.

You quickly looked away and rushed outside, not glancing back again.

The day was uneventful and actually boring. No loud ruckus or arguing, just calm. Well almost, you had some serious inner turmoil, Ochako picked up on it.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing much, I just had a bit of a fight with Katsuki last night, I guess before he went off to fight Izuku."

"Did You try talking?"

"Thats what started it. I was just trying to comfort him, after all, hes helped alot more then I'm willing to tell, I just wanted to help."

"You know Bakugou, he's temperamental and hard-headed, its nothing to do with you." She comforted.

"I feel like it has something to do with me, I feel like ever sense we became closer that I've been nothing but an inconvenience to him." You said.

"Well, practice hero work is coming up, and we chose our partners a while ago, so..."

"I know, I was kind of hoping we could make up for what happened during then." You sighed rubbing your head a bit.

And with that, the day ended just as uneventfully as it had begun. You walked tiredly into the dorm with Ochaco at your side.

You readjusted your bag on your shoulder before making your way to the stairs so you could go up to your room.



That night, your dreams were tormented with nightmares. Vivid visions of explosions and civilians screaming as buildings crumbled into dust.

The worst part was you. In the dream, you were just sitting against a semi destroyed wall. You were confused as to why you were just sitting around instead of helping people.

Your question was answered as you lifted your hand from around your stomach and saw-

Your heart beat erratically as your alarm woke you with a start. You sat up, sweating slightly. You gazed at your hand, the vision from your dream fading.

You let out a deep sigh.

"It was only a dream, I knew I was stressed but this is a bit much"

You got out of bed and prepared for the day.


"Hey, Izuku?"

The green haired boy looked at you, "Yea, do you need something?"

"You study a lot about quirks, right?" You asked.

"Oh, uh, Yea." He laughed nervously.

"That means you've done the same for mine, correct?"

He nodded, eyes looking away.

"Great! Do you think you could help me? I want to think of new ways to use it but I can only think of things I've already done."

He looked surprised then happy.

"Yea! I actually have a few ideas and think they might work really well!" He said excitedly.

"Thanks so much" you said, holding your hands to your chest.

He smiled at you sweetly, "Its no problem, really!"

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