Chapter 28 - Y/n vs Bakugou

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You stepped out into the arena, the cheers of the crowd making your usual stoic face furrow into a half glare.

You stepped up onto the platform at the same time as Bakugou. You bother sent determined glares to eachother as Present Mic introduced the both of you.

"This should be a sweeeeet fight!"

You could feel the antisipation of the crowd as time seemed to slow. Midnight raised her whip.

































Given the signal, you crouched low and charged forward, eyes locked on your target.

As expected, he set off a barrage of explosions, aiming for you. You ran in a quick zig-zag line, so you couldn't be directly hit.

Even when an explosion got you slightly, your shield protected you effortlessly. You could paractically see him trying to come up with a plan quickly, one that would work.

"I wont let you"

You leaped at him, he aimed at you but you werent falling for it. You ducked and slid under him, turning quickly and kicking him in the back.

You tuned out any noise, so not to get distracted and rushed forward again. He whirled around and, before you could run away, gripped your wrist and flipped you, aiming an explosive hit at you.

"Awh fu-"

You had no time to finish your thought as it hit you. You flew back and had to dig your heels into the ground to stop yourself from going out of bounds.

Your eyes momentarily flicked up to Midnight. Her face looked reliefed yet disappointed.

"She cant want me to fail? Or at least put up a fight! No way!"

You gritted your teeth and charged back into the fight. Once again, you went unaffected by Bakugou's blasts, your shield remaining unyielding.

You heard him grunt angrily.


You paused briefly, looking at him with a quirked brow. You opened your hand and looked him dead in the eye.


You blasted the ground with a beam of light. It went down, shattering the concrete before shooting out between the cracks.

It went in different directions, shooting like a machine gun or light. You couldn't be sure if you actually hit him but as the light faded you saw him, his arms blocking his face, covered in wounds.

Of course, not of the serious kind. What happened next wasnt something you had expected, and for a matter of fact, wasn't something that would end well.

He set off another explosion. This one was different, it wasn't one that was designed to hit you, but instead, the sound it had, exactly the same as that of thunder, sent your inner turmoil rising to the surface.

You felt your heartbeat quicken, your shield immediately dissipated and you slumped to the floor. You tried to control your breathing as your senses suddenly tripled, the roar of the crowd not helping in any way.

Another bang and a flash of smoke and fire and suddenly you were out of bounds.

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