Chapter 39 - Project

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Group message

[Transparent person]
We should discuss this project, maybe discuss what everyone does?"

[Sugar power guy]
That's a good idea, maybe we should even set up dates to meet?

I dont give a shit. How the fuck did you get my number?!

[Transparent person]
Haha, sorry, I asked Midoriya for it~

The fuck!

When is everyone free?

None of your business

[Sugar power guy]
Friday and Sunday.

[Transparent person]
Same, Friday and Sunday

I'm busy those days, only have time on Saturday.

[Transparent person]
Oh darn!

Hey cactus, when are you free?

The fuck? Are you talking to me?

I see you remember that name.

Fuck you!

Just answer the question.

Friday Saturday

Well that settles it. You three meet Friday, then on Saturday Bakugou and I can meet, then on Sunday just you other two.

[Transparent person]
Sounds good!

[Sugar power person]
I agree

I never agreed to meeting!

That sucks, meet or you're getting kicked out of the group.


You sighed and rubbed your temples. Why was he always so difficult? It was already Friday so you presumed that they would meet together soon.

You, like stated earlier, were busy. You were scribbling away at a new design for your hero costume, your current one not good enough for your needs and abilities.

"Its to heavy, maybe if I take away some of the armor... Wait I can't put that there because.... Uhhggg!"

Releasing a groan of frustration you leaned back in your chair and rubbed your forehead.

An idea suddenly snapped into your mind and you leaned back over your desk.

"Yes, this should work just nice!"

You sat back and admired your drawing of your new costume.

(Sorry if you liked the old one, you can keep it if you want but here's your new one)

Black absorbs light more easily and the bindings around you would help as a sort of extra storage space

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Black absorbs light more easily and the bindings around you would help as a sort of extra storage space.

It was to be made of a material that was light but durable, Cuban fiber sandwiching the dyneema. You were happy with your progress and when you checked the time, it had been four hours.

You sighed and slipped the papers into an envelope, writing off the address and other needed information before heading to your mailbox and slipping it in.

"That should do just fine..." You paused at the front of your walk way.

From where you were, you had a view of a little playground for kids. Walking past the play area was Uraraka and Tsuyu.

"Maybe, I'll just go inside before they-"


You flinched and looked over as they ran up to you. When they reached you Uraraka paused hesitantly.

"Uhm, we were.. Well uh, I guess you don't care haha." Uraraka spoke awkwardly.

You had a blank face on but your emotions were stewing on the inside.

"I don't think approaching you was a good idea, we'll leave." Tsuyu said after a bit of silence.

They began to walk off but you began speaking.


They looked back curiously.

"Well, its now or never."

You suddenly bowed.

"I'm sorry. My insecurities made me lash out on you. It was unfair of me."

You felt hot and your heart beat quickly.

"Gosh, apologizing is so embarrassing."

You stood upright, making sure to hide your embarrassment. Then you were being hugged.

Your eyes widened as you looked down at the bob haired girl.

"Y/n! Its ok! I missed you so much!" She cried.

"Missed me?"

"Missed Me? But I didn't go anywhere."

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