Ch. 17

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After Lucius joined them and another round of tea was had, Blaise could feel the exhaustion coming from Ginny. He stifled a yawn himself and squeezed Ginny's hand before announcing, "Alright, I think it's about time for us to be going."

Hermione and Draco nodded in agreement while Narcissa gave everyone a sad frown and nodded. "It is getting late. Please promise to visit more often and under better circumstances!"

"We promise!" Hermione said warmly as she embraced Narcissa and then Lucius.

Hugs were all exchanged and Blaise took Ginny's hand, apparating the two of them back to their manor. Ginny stumbled slightly as they landed in their living room and shook her head, feeling a sudden wave of dizziness.

"Are you alright?" Blaise asked in a concerned tone, wrapping an arm around her waist to help her keep her balance.

"Yes," She answered with a smile and waving him off. "Just a bit of dizziness from the apparating."

He continued to cast worrying glances at her as they made their way up the stairs, but a moving shadow out of the corner of his eye caught Blaise's attention and he froze, staring at the spot.

"Blaise?" Ginny asked, turning around halfway up the stairs to look back at him. "Is everything alright?"

He didn't answer, only continuing to stare at the corner. Ginny felt a sudden surge of protectiveness roll off him and then heard the low growl.

"Ginny," He said quietly. "Come here."

Holding out a hand to her but still staring at the spot, he waited until he felt her hand firmly grasping his before quickly apparating her away. She looked around confusedly and was met with equally confused looks from Hermione and Draco.

"I thought you two were-"

Blaise held up a hand and Hermione immediately stopped talking, noticing his hard look. Draco had noticed it as well, and quickly caught on.

"Safe spot?" He asked quietly.

Blaise nodded and Draco immediately grabbed Hermione's hand, apparating her away before she could say another word. But when they landed in their cellar, Hermione gave him a confused look.

"Draco, what is going on?" She asked quietly. Then she realized his eyes were darkening.

Blaise and Ginny immediately landed next to them, and Blaise's eyes were just as dark as he put his hands on Ginny's cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Stay down here," He said after pulling back slightly. "You'll be safe."

"What is going on?" Hermione asked nervously, looking between him and Draco.

Draco immediately pulled her into a hug and kept her there for as long as he could. "We will be back as soon as we can. Just promise you'll stay down here until we come back."

Hermione hesitated before nodding. "We'll stay."

He sighed and gave her a kiss before pulling away and looking at both of the girls. "Put protective enchantments on the cellar door so that they can't see it and find you two."

"They?" Ginny asked nervously as she began to shake slightly. "Who is here?"

"We don't know," Blaise answered with a low growl. "But we're going to find out. We need you two to be safe in the meantime; they shouldn't know you're down here so as long as you two place the enchantments on the doors, they won't find you."

"But what about you?" Hermione asked as she grabbed Draco's arm. "What if something happens to you?"

"As long as you're safe, everything will be alright," He said gently with a small smile.

Forever and Always - Dramione/Blinny Veela SequelWhere stories live. Discover now