Chapter 10

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The pale human sighed as he carried a pile of boxes to the front of the store. It was closing time, so no one was there. 

"Halluciv, can you please unpack a few?" The owner called from the shower rooms, a place where they wash all the animals.

"Okay, CC." He replied, pulling out some more dog toys. He was going to do that any way, it was what he was payed to do. "Are the kits doing okay?" 

There was a sharp laughter before a breathy yes. 

Hall only shook his head with a smile. His boss was mostly a cat lover, always taking extra care of them, sometimes even giving them more treats. It wasn't a lot, though the job pays well.

"Help! They're laying on me!" The dark haired woman called, laughter falling in her voice.

The worker rolled his eyes, stomping some boxes down. She could wait a couple minutes, she was the one who liked the cats.

He hummed to himself as he walked into the shower room. His boss was on her back, both cats and kittens laying on her. It did seem like she was being pinned by how the larger and fluffier cats were snuggled on her arms and legs.

"Oh no, it looks to be too much for me to handle." He snickered softly as his boss whined.

The young man picked the 'leader' up, a calm smile on his face. The other cats picked up the sleeping kittens and walked out of the room to their cages. All Halluciv had to do was shake his head as he let the cat drop and help his boss up. 

"Someday those cats will be the death of you." He told her.

Chara only shrugged, as long as she died with those cats, she didn't care.

"See you tomorrow, CC." The young man called, walking out of the shop and into the freezing night air. The pale man made sure that none of the cats snuck out, as many of them tried before.

Sighing, he walked down the barren city streets, his muted eyes looking for something... He could feel it was searching for him too.

Slowly, the young adult started to hum. The tune was slow and soft, a melody that a mother would use to soothe her child to sleep, but there was something wrong with it. The song was slow and soft, but the unknown words were haunted and dangerous, lost to the waves of time and the winds of change.

The song ricocheted off the sleeping buildings like a bullet. The shadows pulled away from the glorious light, fear in the unseen foes.

The creatures knew the unsung song... The song of war, blood, the Fates and truest, purest form of terror. Terror that they never wanted to see again.

Halluciv was entranced by the song, a song his other boss's brother hummed. It was always so calming, perfect really...

"Halluciv?" A deep voice vibrated off the air, it covering the daunting song.

The punk male turned to the side, his odd eyes meeting those of red and blue.

"What are ya doing out so late?" Xcellence got out of his car, worry in his voice.

"Shouldn't I ask you the same?" The colleague asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was at your brother's house. Do ya need a ride?" The kind-hearted male offered, looking around the weirdly empty streets. He didn't like it, it felt like someone was trying to do something... And that something wasn't nice a thought at all.

"U-Um..." The mysterious twin blushed softly, shaking his head. "My place isn't that far from here, I promise, don't worry..." He whispered, shrinking back some.

The athlete found the sudden shyness almost adorable, refreshing really from his usual neutral like attitude that he usually portrayed.

"Come on, kid. I don't mind, what's the big deal?" There was an endearing, handsome smile on the jock's lips, his eyes calm and soft, but ready for anything.

Hall bowed his head, his heart picking up speed. Why was he acting like this? Why did he want to accept that offer? Why...

"No... I-I'm sorry..."

The smaller male turned towards the direction of his house and broke into a run. He didn't know if Xcellence would try and follow, but he just knew he had to get away.

He didn't like what was going, what was happening to him! He didn't know what he was feeling and he didn't like it! He didn't like it one bit!

It didn't take long for Xcellence to have lost the small nerd. Despite having that baby fat and being small and nerdy, that kid could run! They ran faster than any guy or girl he had ever seen!

The white wearing man sighed sadly, swiftly making his way back to his parked car. He'll talk to the kid about that during their classes.

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