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Can't keep my hands to myself,  No matter how hard I'm trying to, I want you all to myself, You're metaphorical gin and juice"
                                       -Selena Gomez
                                               (Hands to Myself)

[August 25th, 2020]

"If I had to have any theme song be my theme song it would be That's So Raven cause that's my shit," I poor my favorite cereal, Fruit fucking Loops, into my blue bowl.

"Really? I think I'd choose the Kim Possible theme song and did you just poor your cereal into your milk??" May looked at me like I was crazy and I raised a brow.

"You don't live up to Kim, don't disgrace her. And yes I did, anyone who pours their milk into their cereal are probably serial killers," I said seriously, taking a spoon full of my cereal.

"Kai this is why you're dumb as fuck," May dropped her spoon and I groaned dramatically knowing well how this was going to turn out.

Only a while ago was I beginning to warm up to this Asian wonton but she always had to turn things into an argument and she was so gung-ho on winning them which was a mistake on her part. I don't take L's so for her to even instigate anything with me was a failure on her part. Before anything could heat up between us—

"Your arguments are so unnecessary," Finnick mumbled, pushing his glasses up his nose as he munched on a granola bar.

—Finnick would come between us and calm us down before we could rip out each other's hair. Simply and honestly, me vs May, I would win. I fight dirty, plan and simple.

"Bolt, she's wrong, tell her so she'll go suck Chris's dick or something," I waved off the way May's jaw dropped and Bolt's cheeks instantly went red.

Finnick was still as innocent as ever even though I swear he and Killian fucked more than once. He was forever going to be innocent no matter how many times I heard the adorable boy scream, 'daddy' all the way up from their suite. I had a feeling he liked it rough, it was apparent from the hickeys that litter his neck and how sore he walks the night after. My bestie was getting his brains fucked out of him and I was proud.

"I don't do that!" She shrieked in a form denial.

"Are you sure about that?" I took on that John Cena meme voice and Finnick quietly giggled while May was folding her arms in annoyance.

She was silent and that was weird so I watched as she continued to eat her bowl of Frosted Flakes. I hesitantly continued eating my own bowl of Fruit fucking Loops. She raised her bowl, drinking the milk as if to make sure nothing went to waste. She was picky about wasting things. She got up and brought her bowl to the sink, washing it thoroughly. She jumps to try to place the cereal box back up into the cabinet where all the other numerous boxes of cereal were but she was struggling because she was so damn short.

I snickered quietly, enjoying watching her suffer but it was short lived as Chris appeared from behind her and swiftly took the box of her hands and put it into the cabinet easily. She turned, blushing as she looks at her mate. She was happy, about to bounce away with him before she saw me and it was as if she remembered she was going to do something.

She opened her mouth and—

"Declan! Kai wants to take it up the ass!" She yelled loudly.

My eyes widened and I leap up from the stool I sat on. She giggled evilly, grabbing Chris and running away with him before I could hurt her, which I totally would when I next saw her.

"Would you look at the time, Killian and I are going window shopping," Finnick said happily.

He put his discards into the trash before skipping away and leaving me to my complete and utter doom.

His smell invaded my senses first and then I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, his hands snaking up my shirt. I shuddered, my hands moving quick to try and stop his wandering hands but he was faster than I was and his hands were already father up, his fingers flicking against my nipple. I bit my lip, hissing quietly. Why were my nipples so damn sensitive?

"Up the ass, huh?" His voice was deep and suggestive as his lips passed my neck to nibble teasingly at my earlobe.

Why did the room suddenly feel like a damn sauna? I felt extra hot, my mind fogging up and when I felt his fingers twist my right nipple I whimpered, his mischievous chuckle sending warmth up my cheeks.

"A room would be a nice choice for a place to fuck," Marcus mused.

I sprung away from Declan, a blush coating my face as I glared at Declan who looked completely satisfied with himself.

"Watch the language in front of the kids," Vera slapped Marcus' bicep.

I rushed over, bending slightly and making baby noises at Kaylee who was one of twins Vera gave birth to. The little baby girl was so adorable and only six months old. I was drowning in the baby noises Kaylee was making and I scooped the infant in my arms, twirling her around and watching her giggle.

I hold her close to me, kissing all over her face and rubbing my nose with hers.

"Whose a cutie? You are, you are but not as much as me," I pretend to bite at the little girls finger and she giggles even more, her body shaking.

"Sometimes I wonder if that's my child or your child," Vera laughs.

"We can share," I suggest.

"Offer declined," Marcus interjects, taking Kaylee in his right arm, Jaylin in his left.

"We can have our own kids," Declan grabs at my hand as he leads us to the living room.

He sits down and pulls me onto his lap. I move to sit beside him but he holds onto my waist tighter, making it hard for me to move off him. Deciding I can't compete with a werewolf, I sigh and get comfortable on his lap. I begin to wiggle and he grunts lightly, holding me still again.

"This is giving me deja vú, don't move like that unless you want me to loose my cool," he warns, voice husky and strained.

I was trying to keep still because knowing Declan he would blow off all the care in the world and we'd end up doing something and that's not what I wanted...right? Right. Maybe.

I couldn't control it as my ass began to wiggle a bit because I wanted to get more comfortable. I brushed harshly against his dick and I felt it stir, a grumble sound emitting deep within his throat. I swallowed, stilling. He was hard and I felt it. His mouth came by my ear, his lips gently brushing against the lobe, his hot breath sending shivers running down my spin.

"Do you ever learn," his voice was deep, rhetorical, and teasing.


My apologies, I feel like this was pretty short. But—cough, cough—hope you still enjoyed it.

~xoxo, Babybird

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~xoxo, Babybird.

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