- t w e n t y o n e -

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"I'm holdin' on a rope, Got me ten feet off the ground. I'm hearing what you say, But I just can't make a sound.  They tell me that you mean it, Then you go and cut me down. But wait, You tell me that your sorry. Didn't think I'd turn around, And say That it's too late to apologize. It's too late."
- One Republic

[October 25th, 2020]

"He looks like coal," May deadpans.

I turn around to glare at her, my eyes holding annoyance at her comment. I was dressing Jaylin up because Halloween was coming up and he wanted to be the Black Panther. The boy was too young to say he wanted to be Black Panther but his response to the superhero was enough of an answer to tell he wanted to be the African warrior.

Vera said she'd leave Jaylin's costume in my care and Kaylee's costume in Mays care so we began to construct our own outfits for the little tots. The process has been complete shit because May keeps roasting what I've put on Jaylin but I couldn't complain because I've insulted her costume for Kaylee as well.

"You look like you eat coal," I retort.

"That makes no sense," she rolls her eyes and fluffs out the grass skirt that she put on a squirming and irritable Kaylee.

"You make no sense," I smirk, loving the rise I was getting out of her.

"You're annoying," she glares at me, abandoning her attempts to make Kaylees Moana costume look good.

"You're Ann—"

"I am going to staple your lips closed if you copy me one more time, Coachman," she threatens, eyes narrowed.

I do the zipping my lips motion with my fingers and she looks away from me and runs to catch Kaylee who was close to grabbing a hot glue gun that was on the floor. May sighs in relief as she scoops the little girl in her arms and bounces her around as she begins to cry.

After Kaylee began to cry, it was almost automatic as Jaylin began to cry too. I grab him in my arms and stand, swaying him calmly in my hold. His cries die down a bit but he releases little whimpers and cries every now and then. Kaylee is still wailing in Mays arms.

"Why are they crying?" She looks at me frantically.

I think for a bit before realization crosses over my features and I look down at Jaylin.

"Are you hungry baby Jayjay?" I coo to him in a baby voice.

As if he understood what I said, his big hazel eyes stare up at me, almost pleadingly. I smile at the unfathomable cuteness and hold him in my arms as I walk out of the living room and into the wide spaced kitchen that was heavily modernized. I hold him with my left arm as I use my right arm to prepare his food.

I take out two small plates that are pink and purple. Weirdly enough, Jaylin liked pink so we gave him that one and gave Kaylee the purple as she liked any color presented to her. I plate veggies with mash potatoes that Vera made and left for us to use to serve them. I pour apple juice in their pink and purple sippy cups and leave them on the counter.

I huff, using all my strength to lift the booster seat on the stool for both Kaylee and Jaylin as they'd fall without the children's safety booster seat. I make sure it's secure before slipping Jaylin on the chair and buckling it up so he wouldn't fall.

May comes into the kitchen and I motion for her to hand me Kaylee. She does so and I grab Kaylee in my arms and put her in the seat beside her brother. I place their food in front of them as well as their juices and they quickly dive in.

They're messy and a lot of the food lands on their face but they're too adorable to get mad at, plus they're children.

Looking at the two of them I can't help but allow my smile to dip a little. They reminded me of when Lyn and I were babies, they look similarly to how we looked when we were babies. I feel a slight puncture in my heart at the thought.

"You're amazing with kids," May breaks me out of my thoughts as she wraps an arm around my shoulder.

She struggles to do so as I believe she's like 5'4, basically troll height. I would've shrugged off her arm because she's a rat compared to me but I left her arm alone and thought of her embrace as giving comfort, though, she was too evil for that to be true.

"Maybe your future kids won't suffer after all," she comments.

Moment ruined.

I roll my eyes and shrug her arm off of my shoulder. I lean forward to wipe the mess on the side of Kaylee's lips as she was a messy eater, much like her dad who eats food viciously as if it's his last meal. Marcus devoured food whole and left the table a mess but somehow always managed to keep his face mess free. I didn't know how he did it but I wanted to learn from a true master because I was a fatass.

'Kai, I need you downstairs to help me with a math problem,' I hear Elliot say through mind link.

I grumble.

'Where's that daddy Dom of a mate you have? He can help you,' I reply.

'He's taking care of pack duties. Please,' I could hear the pleading whine in my head and sighed.

I turn to May who is clueless and knows nothing of the internal conversation I had with Elliot because she doesn't have the pack's mind link and most likely won't have it until her and Chris mate.

'Fine,' I respond.

"May, I'll be right back," I tell her and she waves her hand in dismissal, not taking her eyes off of the adorable twins.

Rolling my eyes for the thousandth, I know I'm exaggerating, time today I leave her with the children and make my way to the elevator. Pressing the button, it makes a dinging sound as the doors slide open effortlessly. Stepping inside, I hum to the music that was playing chosen by Elliot. I think the song was by Troy Sivan who Elliot loved and adored so much.

The elevator stops at the first floor and I exit, walking through the hallway until I arrive at one of the living rooms that were on this floor. Elliot was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table with a paper in front of him. My brows furrow in confusion seeing the regretful and remorseful expression spread across his face.

It seems like he hears me walking closer to him and he turns his head, his eyes watery with his bottom lip sucked into his mouth.

I quicken my steps, my eyes holding worry as I get to him and wrap my arms around his shoulder, pulling him close to me. I bring my hand up to wipe the tear that falls down his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, continuously wiping at his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

I'm confused and I open my mouth to ask him why he's apologizing but my words are cut off by cool metal that touches the back of my head, as well as my eyes catching people popping out from behind the couch and other places.

"It's so very very good to see you again Kai," a familiar female voice says with cockiness and triumph laced in her voice.

I knew who it was.


Woahhhhh. What IS going ON. For the next chapter, please don't hate me too much :)

 For the next chapter, please don't hate me too much :)

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