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"Just stop your crying, It's a sign of the times. Welcome to the final show, Hope you're wearing your best clothes. You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky, You look pretty good down here. But you ain't really good..."
                                     - Harry Styles
                          ( Sign Of The Times )

[Feburary 13th, 2038]

Kai pinched the bridge of his nose as he leans against Declan for support due to his leg that broke after having a 'playful' wrestling match with Archer. What the seventeen year old claimed to be a fun experience that would help her in the running to become Beta turned out to be a scraping match against her father who was not equipped against a werewolf.

She wounded up grasping firmly onto his neck with her arms, pulling him into a headlock meanwhile bending his knees backwards with her own leg with what was little force to her but was immense force to Kai.

The snap was heavily audible and it didn't take but two seconds flat for her second father, Declan, to come rushing outside to the back where he saw Kai whining in pain and his youngest cradling her dad while mumbling apologies but making it worse as she pressed onto his knee. She didn't know her own strength, that was her only weakness.

That was yesterday. Today, Kai received a call from the high school all the kids of the pack went to and as per usual it was a complaint but this time it was way worse than usual. The principal informed Kai, who informed May, Chris, Vera, Marcus, Elliot, Elijah, Finnick and Killian of the chaos imposed on the school due to their children's mischievous ways.

Aiden, Jaylin, Xander, Gnashton, and Xavier were all troublemakers which wasn't much of a surprise considering how the parents used to behave but also because the boys have been like this since youth. Although in youth it was cute and adorable, now it was a pain in the ass for everyone because they had to pour money into the school due to the 'pranks' the boys consistently unleashed. Of course when it was just Aiden, Jaylin, Xander and Xavier it was bad but when Gnashton became an addition to the fretful four it became worse.

The reason the principle called this time is because Aiden was caught throwing gas bombs into the females bathroom. The girls inside would scream and run out, some with their jeans down showing their panties which was amusement to Aiden and a show to the whole school. It was evil, horrible even but typical of Aiden who, when caught, shrugged his shoulders and walked with the administrator begrudgingly.

When passing by Xavier and Xander, the two snickered and gave him high fives but what these two schemed up was no better than Aidens act. Xavier and Xander's assault came next and they did it together, rare because all the boys did there things separately or all together as five.

It was easy to find spiders that weren't poisonous so when Xavier was presented the crate of tiny bugs, he formulated a plan that he relayed to Xander who was all for it but wanted to do it quickly because he had to get to class. His dad, Finnick, would kill him if he fell behind on his grades. Rolling his slanted brown eyes, Xavier agreed and they embarked on their tomfoolery.

The two boys tossed the spiders into the hall exactly when the bell rang dismissing second period and watched as the students screamed and ran. The girls were the funniest as they squealed, reaching pitches unimaginable and shoved any and everyone out of their way. Some of the boys reacted the same which had Xavier doubling over in laughter and Xander covering his mouth to cover his mouth because his laugh was louder.

The vice principle rushed down the hall, rolling his eyes at the tiny insects and glared heatedly at the boys who were cackling by the front of the school doors admiring what they'd done.

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