- t w e n t y f o u r -

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"Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment, Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed. It's annoying, I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you. But, I guess the more you
Thought about everything, you were never even wrong in the first place, right?"
                             - NF
                                 (Let You Down )

[October 25th, 2020]

Blood coats the floors, staining the hard wood and coating items nearby in the deep violent red. Bryn groans, clutching her left arm as she clenches her teeth in anger and glares at Elijah who stood at the entrance of the living room, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck with an apologetic look covering his features.

Ailee was gone, as if vanishing magically.

"You had one job!" Bryn spits out at Elijah.

"You know I have shit aim," Elijah replies, disregarding the gun in his hand to rush over to a still weeping Elliot.

"I'm so fucking confused," I breath out.

My heart was racing so fast, I expected it to burst out of my chest. Large, warm arms engulf me in a comforting embrace and I melt, enjoying the feeling of Declan close to me. I nearly bursted into tears because moments ago, my life might've ended. Moments ago, it could've been the last time I'd see him.

He brings me onto his lap and instantly, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck. Sniffing his classic scent, I find myself relaxing but also drowning myself in a scent that was the very definition of home to me.

He gently holds me by my waist and I feel pressure at the top of my head so I assumed he buried his face on the top of my head.

"I don't know what I would've done if I lost you," he murmurs softly, his voice wavering but also trying to hold some composure.

"You won't lose me," I tell him quietly but I was so unsure in saying that because I knew Ailee was around.

"Can someone please explain to me why Elijah had a gun and why Bryn didn't kill us all for basically killing her mate," Vera says, confusion lacing her tone.

I turn my head to look at everyone with my head still laid onto Declan's shoulders. Elijah is comforting Elliot who refuses to raise his head or say anything to Elijah who continues to ask him what's wrong. Marcus is holding Vera firmly as if afraid she'd disappear from his sight if he let go.

Killian is hugging Finnick tightly to him, burying his face into the crook of my best friends neck and taking in a deep whiff. Bryn is gingerly sitting on the handle of a loveseat, eyes watching all of us with an emotion I can't really comprehend. Her right hand cradles her left arm, applying pressure to the gunshot wound.

"Well, our pack heard news that your territory had been breached so Elijah and I formulated a plan that I'd come in and disarm the snipers and Elijah would come in afterwards because we've been told about Ailee and her antics so we assumed she'd bring up my deceased mate," Bryn said and I look at her with surprise. She looks at me and smiles gently, "I know it was your pack that killed her but I also know why it was done."

"Who told you?" I ask carefully.

Bryn shrugs, "Finnick did, he said I deserved to know."

I look at Finnick as he peaks from Killian's chest to look at me. I don't think I'd ever felt this grateful towards Finnick until now. Of course I loved the guy for numerous reasons and I can't imagine what my life would've been like without him but it was in this moment that I was most glad he was with me.

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