- e i g h t e e n -

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"Damn, I like me better when I'm with you. I like me better when I'm with you, I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause I like me better when, I like me better when I'm with you."
                                   (I Like Me Better)


[September 12th, 2020]

Curious, I follow the trail and it leads to the elevator. On the doors of the elevator is a heart shaped sticky note with sloppy hand written words on it.

This is only stop one, cub. There's more to go, don't be lazy and follow the Rose.
I laughed to myself as I could imagine Declan trying to find rhyming words but giving up. It was obvious that this was Declan from the pet name so I allowed my heart to race as I pressed the button for the elevator to open. When it did, there was a bouquet of white roses on the floor.

I smiled to myself, picking them up and smelling them. I didn't favor flowers but these were beautiful and they smelt amazing so I clutched the gift to me, relishing in the fact that Declan was the one who got them for me. There's a note inside the elevator, ontop of the buttons.

Floor 3 is your destination, I know you feel a fluttering sensation. I'm not romantic but the third of January is when we met. (I suck at this, just go with it.)

I chuckled once more, pressing floor 3 with a rapidly beating heart. He remembered when we first met when I didn't even remember the day we met. I felt overwhelmed with emotions I didn't even know I had.

The door opens and I follow the petals that littered the floor. It leads me to the kitchen and I see a note on the marble counters. Beside the note was a basket filled with assorted goods that were my favorite. My cheeks heat up when my eyes caught skimpy underwear in the basket. It was red and lacy and would do a bad job in holding my private's but it was sexy I had to admit.

The note read:

These were expensive but not worth how much you mean to me. The panties weren't my idea but imagining you in them turned me on so much. I even manage to be a horn dog when I'm trying to be romantic. You hate me—

I could never.

—I know. Set everything in the basket aside and follow the white roses now.

I quickly stopped by the bathroom really quickly and shed off my pants before slipping the red lacy underwear on. I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned, I looked ridiculous. I decided to keep them on despite that because maybe I could tease Declan.

Nothing would happen but I'd tease him.

I take off my shirt and put on the large t shirt that was also in the basket, it went past my ass but if I were to bend slightly you'd get the view of my ass. The shirt was in the basket because it was my favorite shirt that Declan had and I told him often. Wearing it made me happy.

I take the clothes I took off and head back into the kitchen and leave it on the counter, I'd get it later.

I follow the white roses as I was told to and I'm lead down a hall and the roses lead to another elevator. On the doors was another note.

Last stop, head up to the fifth floor and follow the roses that are as black as your soul. ( I say this with all the love in my heart.)

I laugh aloud at what he wrote knowing well how accurate it was. I press the button, allowing the doors to gently slide open. Entering, I press for floor five and patiently hum along with the tune that plays as I wait to arrive on the floor. Moments after, the elevator dings and slides open.

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