- f i f t e e n -

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" I'm looking through my phone again, feeling anxious. Afraid to be alone again, I hate this. I'm trying to find a way to chill, can't breathe, oh. Is there somebody who could. Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up No medicine is strong enough, Someone help me, I'm crawling in my skin, Sometimes I feel like giving up, But I just can't. It isn't in my blood. "
- Shawn Mendes
( In My Blood )

[February 18th 2007]

"Come here you guys," I turn my head as I hear my fathers voice and see him walk through the door, closing it behind him as he holds a briefcase.

My face brightens automatically and I drop my toy cars as I race over to him. Before I can squeeze his legs in a hug as I was six and didn't reach that tall, Lyndon intercepts me and she hugs dad tightly, a smile on her face. I pout in jealously and watch a grin spread across my dads face as he scoops my younger sister in his arms.

Dad chuckles seeing my expression and he lifts me up as well. While he juggled Lyndon in his left arms, I was in his right. He began to shower us in kisses causing my sister to burst into giggles while I gagged in mock disgust. I acted as if I didn't like it when he showered us in affection when really, I loved it.

My dad was tall, a complete giant in my eyes but ma told me he was only 6'2. He had big muscles, his arms always hard allowing him to pick us up easily as well as anything else ma and us weren't strong enough to lift. He was a complete superhero in my eyes with the way he helped others and us whenever we needed him.

Ma appeared, poking her head out of the kitchen and smiling instantly when her eyes met dad. They always held this gaze whenever they looked at each other that I didn't understand but it warmed my heart and it made me bubbly. I knew they liked each other a lot and made each other very happy.

Dad drops us and I reach up, desperately trying to take his big black briefcase in my hands. He sees me and bends down onto one knee, holding out the item to me.

"Careful, it's heavy Kaiden," he tells me and I nod quickly, taking the bag into my hands.

It weighs me down and I almost fall but dad catches me and I hear the loud laugh that leaves his mouth. I blush silently and grumble to myself as I run away from him and to ma. She bends down to peck a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Y'all want cookies?" Ma asks and my eyes brighten as I look up at her.

"Yes!" Lyndon and I say at the same time.

I rush into the kitchen.

"Wait for me!" I hear Lyndon say behind me and I stop running to wait for her.

She appears beside me and smiles, showing her missing two front teeth. I laugh and she frowns, shoving my arm slightly.

"Don't lauff at me," she frowns deeper and I can't help but laugh even harder at the way she pronounced, 'laugh.'

"You're talkin' funny, I can't help it," I laugh even more and tears begin to brim in her eyes.

I panic, hearing ma and dads footsteps grow closer to the kitchen. I grab Lyndon, hugging her tightly to me and trying to quiet her down but it doesn't work and she's even louder now.

"Lyndon—" I begin.

"Is that my baby girl I hear crying?" I hear my dads voice as he turns and enters the kitchen.

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