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" Take it off now girl just take it off, I'm a master, baby with your bra, Take it off now girl just take it off, I can help you slide those panties off."
                                      ( Expensive Girl )


[August 29th 2020]

I was repeatedly telling Declan, 'no.' I was minutes away from calling an Uber to take me home to see my mom because apparently, 'the internet is broken,' but Declan wasn't having any of that. He was insistent on taking me and not allowing some stranger to drive me two hours to go home.

The pack house was really far from home which made sense as it was surrounded by a lot of forest green and widespread space. It was their own secluded territory and it was convenient considering how they shifted a lot and when I'd go outside to the back or front I'd see wolves just roaming about.

"Save money, I can take you," Declan said, his tone hinting that he didn't want me to argue anymore.

"But—" I tried to give him reason why there wasn't a need for him to come but he wasn't having any of it.

"You're riding on me to see your mom," I open my mouth to argue but his eyes harden and he says, "either you ride on me to see your mom or we stay here and you ride on me in another way."

The tips of ears redden hearing this and my mouth automatically shut on their own. Declan wore a smirk, enjoying how quiet I became at his threat. I tried to glare but I couldn't as my body temperature increased and there was nothing I could do about it. Declan just radiated sex appeal that drove me insane.

As if aware of what he did to me, he approaches me and I blink before taking a step back. There aren't many more steps I can take considering how fast Declan is and how close my back is to the front door. He slips his strong arm around my waist, pulling me close as his lips dive down to capture my own lips.

My arms clutch onto his bicep as I melt and allow his mouth to move against mine. I was having a complete and utter brain fart at the moment. I remember two years ago how I'd push him away but I felt like my resistance towards him was weakening day by day.

I was becoming Decsexual.

His tongue brushed against my bottom lip and I resisted his want to enter. His mouth still on mine, I feel his lips curl into a smirk as his hands treacherously snake up my shirt and twist my left nipple between his calloused fingers. A breathless whine flies out of my mouth, allowing him easy access to slip his tongue inside my mouth.

I was even more lightheaded, my grip on his bicep growing tighter as he fondled my nipples that was extremely sensitive especially when his cool fingers flicked over them.

I groaned, feeling his tongue rub against mine sensually while his thigh spread my legs apart.


Completely weak compared to Declan, he forced my legs apart and began his torture on my member. His thigh pressed up against Kai jr, the pressure causing my legs to shake as I pulled away from Declan and an embarrassing whimper left my mouth.

It was like my body had a mind of its own as I began to rock my hips against his thighs, wanting more friction as I was hard and in need of release. My arms left his bicep and clutched his shirt tightly, watching as his lips pecked my cheek lightly before he licked a trail down my neck with his wet tongue that had me shivering.

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