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" Take me over the walls below, Fly forever. Don't let me go, I need a savior to heal my pain. When I become my worst enemy, The enemy. Take me high and I'll sing, you make everything okay. We are one in the same, you take all of the pain away. "
( My Demons )

[September 7th 2020]

Kai 'allows' Declan to take him into his room, watching as the door closes and they were now left in a dim room. Declan would've turned on the light but there was light shining from the many windows that his room had.

His room was large, his mattress king sized with two dressers on either side. There was a chandelier that hung in his room, accentuating how tall the ceilings were. The walls were light grey with the wall behind his bed black which added to the decor of the calm room. There was a section off to the side with a couch and coffee table as well as three doors that led to a bathroom, a large closet and a storage space. Overall the room was luxurious but fit to suit Declan's taste.

Declan gently takes Kai's hand and leads him to the bed. He would've taken the small boy to the couch but it was nearly reaching eight and he could see it in Kai's eyes how tired he was so he knew the best option was the bed if Kai didn't immediately leave the room after hearing how promiscuous Declan was.

Declan was terrified, he knew some people thought sexually active people were the worst people to date. Though, it wasn't a majority of people who thought so, he was dreading the potential judgement Kai would pass on him. He was afraid of the possible pain that might ingulf his mate knowing he didn't wait for him.

Kai, surprisingly, remained silent and compliant as Declan threw his comforter over them and settled together in his bed. Declan released a breath, his eyes roaming over Kai's features and he silently thanked the Moon Goddess for giving him such a mate. He was already feeling pain in his heart from what he had to tell Kai.

He didn't want to do this but Kai deserved to know. Declan would share anything with Kai if it meant he'd expose more of himself to his mate. He wanted no secrets to act as a barrier between them.

"I was a player," Declan started off this way and Kai raised a brow.

Then Declan began to tell Kai everything.

He told him about how he had sex with multiple people. It wasn't something he was proud of but back then, at the time, he was sexual and he admitted to being sexual. He enjoyed divulging in activities that gave him pleasure but hated the idea of being tied to one person because what was the point of having sex if it was just with one person? There was a variety of people out there to sleep with and Declan would be damned if he didn't try different people as if they were flavors of ice cream. Declan told Kai this with regret in his voice.

Declan didn't leave out how he tossed the people he slept with like they were pieces of tissue paper he used to blow his nose. Saying this, Declan internally flinched, only realizing now how much of a douche he sounded like. There were so many girls who'd throw themselves at him and Declan, like the player he was, allowed his ego to grow and he used them like they were items.

He wore a frown as he recalled aloud how some girls would cry for him to be with them, or yell at him and tell him he was the only one they wanted to be with. They were desperate and Declan hated desperation, he still hates it but at the time he dismissed them as clingy and allowed them to chase him.

Then Blake came along and she was a one night stand but for some reason, things were different with her. Declan told Kai he didn't fall for her but when she wanted to spend another night with him, he allowed it which was different from his usual rule to use them and toss them. Kai scowled at the phrase he used and Declan sighed, acknowledging once more how much of an ass he appeared to be.

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