- t h i r t y t w o -

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"... We're leaving together, But still it's farewell And maybe we'll come back To earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame, We're leaving ground (leaving ground.) Will things ever be the same again? ... It's the final countdown, The final countdown."
- The Final Countdown

[May 15th, 2023]

"Grab the children and make sure they're safe!" Marcus yells as he pushes Aiden and Asher into Killian and Finnicks direction.

He rushes away and towards the commotion. I find myself grabbing Hazel instantly and lifting her into my arms and turn to see that Declan is doing the same with Easton in his arms.

I still wasn't fully comprehending what was going on or what my eyes saw because this didn't make any sense. Screams rang out in the air and I heard growling and the disgusting sound of bones cracking but I couldn't find it in myself to look back.

The real question was; was that really Lyn?

A warrior stands by a door that leads into a square shaped building that looked to only have a single floor. Once I reached the inside, I looked around to find out who else was in here and when I saw Finnick, I rushed over to him.

He was on his knees, hugging a scared Eros and Xander in his arms. They were his children, Xander came a few months after Eros. I could hear Finnick whispering calming things to them, trying to get them to calm down and by the looks of it, it was working because their bodies stopped shaking.

When I made it to him, his eyes instantly met mine and I saw the fear that was in his own eyes. With the thought of if my mother was safe, I look around the room quickly, trying to survey if she made it inside but I didn't see her so I swallowed and looked back at Finnick.

"Did my mom make it inside?" I ask him quickly.

He doesn't say anything for a bit before he shakes his head, "no, but are my eyes playing tricks on me or did I actually see Lyn out there?"

He sounded just as confused and baffled as I was feeling at the moment. I lick my lips and nod.

"I saw her too but I need to make sure my mom makes it out of this," I tell him.

My voice hid how I was feeling inside. I was scared shitless. In the battle we had before, everyone precious to me made it out alive but now I wasn't so sure. Not only did I now have children that I had to watch out for, I had my mother who was here and Declan there up against thousands of people that were out there attacking us in their wolf forms and guns. Now there was also Lyn who was out there, who was supposed to be dead and until I know how the fuck she's here, I don't want my mother to see her because I knew this could be a trick and I wasn't about to lose my mother.

I drop Easton and Hazel and bend down on my knees as I cup Easton's face with my right hand and Hazels with my left. Easton was crying silently with tears streaming down his little face. Hazels bottom lip was quivering as her eyes were watery and the tears began to fall. They were scared so I had to make sure I didn't look like I was.

I sucked in a breath of air and smile the best I could at the both of them. Wiping the tears that streamed down their face, I kiss their cheeks individually.

"There's no need to be scared, okay? Everything will be alright. Daddy has to go out but he'll be back," I tell them softly.

Easton shakes his head instantly and grasps my hand that held onto his face. I knew he didn't understand what was going on but the atmosphere that clouded the air gave away that what was happening was not something light. My kids were smart so it wasn't just Easton that felt this but Hazel too and I heard the whimpers building up in her throat.

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