- t w e l v e -

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"You just want attention, you don't want my heart, Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new. Yeah, you just want attention, I knew from the start, You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you."
- Charlie Puth
( Attention )

[September 7th 2020]

There was batter everywhere.

The kitchen was a blinding mess with flour laying on the floor as well as the marble counters. Batter stained the apron Vera forced me and Declan to wear as sugar danced along the exterior of the sink. I don't even know how it got to be this bad but I blame Declan because he was touchy throughout the whole time we'd been trying to bake these damn cookies.

Vera wanted us to bake cookies for the children who were beginning there official pack training as of today, it was a remarkable moment from what I was told and they wanted to celebrate with cookies which the majority of the kids agreed to. Unfortunately, little Jaylin just had to get sick at this moment. I felt bad for little baby, and so Vera had to go see the pack doctor and left baking duties up to Declan and I.

I whined, telling Vera she could've had Marcus do this but she reprimanded me and told me Marcus had to take care of Kaylee so the only candidates for this were Declan and I.

Chris wasn't even to be mentioned in this because he couldn't cook to save his life, May was on an overnight field trip and Killian and Finnick were probably doing the deed again.

"Cub," Declan calls out and my head turns to look at him.

He tosses flour onto my face and my nose scrunches up as I'm pretty sure I'm now white with the flour. I glare as he bursts out with laughter and pulls his phone from the counter to snap pictures of me.

I grumble and try to snatch the phone away from him but he doesn't allow it as he takes a step back every time I attempt to come closer.

"Declan, stop," I whined as he continued his evil doing and backed away as he snapped continuous photos of me.

I grab his shirt and keep him still as I stand on my toes and reach for his phone to delete the ugly pictures he took. I hated taking pictures unless they were selfies and I could see if I looked hot or not. I would never allow anyone to have an ugly picture of me on their device because ugly wasn't in my dictionary.

Kai Coachman was a lot of things but ugly was not one of them, yes I'm speaking in third person.

He lifts his phone higher as if that were even possible and I groan in irritation. I stop trying to reach and glare up at him, my hands crossed as my eyes shoot rhetorical lasers at him.

"You're adorable, cub," he chuckles lightly as he bends down and places a kiss on my lips.

I move away from him, my insides were begging me to reattach my lips with his but I wanted to step my foot down and make Declan delete the pictures. Speaking of pictures, he most likely still had that picture he stole from the scrapbook my mom was showing him. I was suddenly curious as to which embarrassing photo he took.

He let out a short laugh and appeared in front of me again, hands reaching out to hold me by my waist. I continue to wear a glare and I knew I was acting like a drama queen but this is what comes with the Kai bundle.

Declan seemed to realized that as he brought me close to him and lay his face in crook of my neck. I shivered slightly, feeling his warm breath fan my neck and involuntarily drive me insane. He kissed the space between my jaw and neck and I gripped his shirt tightly between my fist.

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