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"Having my baby, What a lovely way of saying
How much you love me. Having my baby, What a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me.
I can see it, your face is glowing. I can see it in your eyes. I'm happy knowin' that you're having my baby."
                                     -Paul Anka
                               (Having My Baby)

[September 26th, 2020]

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

I've been like this for the past week now and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. I've been having these shitty headaches all week that are literally killing my brain. I wouldn't be surprised if I was less smarter now if that made any sense. I needed all the brain cells I could salvage.

Besides the headaches, I was having hella mood swings. One minute I'm playing patty cake with Elliot, the next I'm shoving a churro down May's throat but then again that's sort of how I am naturally.

I wouldn't have found any of this strange expect I've thrown up five times and that's not normal for me at all. The last time I threw up was sophomore year of high school during spring break when Pat and some other friends of mine decided it would be a good idea to blend everything on the McDonald's menu up and try it. That shit was disgusting and looked like barf itself.

I truly didn't know what to do and I wasn't going to tell anyone because I assumed it would go away. I would get over this faze, besides, I was most likely okay anyway and was making a big deal out of nothing like always.

Keeping my silence, however, was no longer an option because I felt sharp pains in my lower stomach. It wasn't all the time but it was frequent and it was coming more often now.

I hated this.

"Kai, pass me the remote," Vera asks.

"Do it yourself you insolent rat," I bite back at her.

May, Finnick, Bryn, Vera and Elliot all look at me at the same time with their eyes full of question and surprise. I didn't know what to say because I knew what I said was uncalled for but I couldn't help it. I was so irritated right now and I didn't know why which pissed me off even more. I wanted to slice their throat with how they looked at me as if I was a damn alien.

Vera raises a brow.

"Kai, what's been up with you?" May questions.

"I don't know," I mumble, eyes on the tv to avoid their gaze.

"You should know. You've been acting like how I act whenever I'm on my period," Bryn says.

I run a hand down my face in annoyance. Just hearing them speak made me want to shove bricks into their mouth so they wouldn't speak any longer. The more I kept thinking moodily, the more I realized how moody I was behaving. They were worried, in their own weird type of way, but worried nonetheless.

"I don't know what's wrong me," I admit honestly, "I've been having headaches, I'm nauseous sometimes, there's this killer pain in my lower stomach sometimes and I've puked my guts out five times. Not to mention I've been eating like I've starved for years."

Vera has her eyes wide and her hand flies to her mouth as she gasps. I look at her as her eyes shine with surprise but excitement and I don't really understand why she's looking at me like that.

The look she gives me makes me feel nervous but nobody says anything. May and Brynn collectively appear to be thinking, and as if someone flipped a switch, the girls all look at the each other with the same look.

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