- t h i r t y f o u r -

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"Lost, lost in the moment, Lost in the moment, lost in the moment. And get lost, lost in the moment, Lost in the moment, lost in the moment. Yeah, they told us that time flies, didn't know what it means. Now I feel like we just running around tryna, Catch it and hoping to cut up its wings. But that ain't gon' happen..."
                                            - Nf
                         ( Lost In The Moment )

[June 1st, 2023]

"Ew," Archer shrieks aloud as she throws the Mac and cheese that was on her orange plate at Chris who was making ugly faces at her.

The creamy yellow substance lands on his face, the noodles sticking to his forehead while the cheese sauce dripped down his face. Chris scowls immediately as he backs away and lifts his hand up to wipe away the food but he was prevented from doing so because Aiden took it upon himself to latch onto Chris's arm purposely. Grunting, Chris tries to shake the toddler off him but Aiden was strong for his age.

I'm laughing hysterically, watching as my children torment Chris and cause him so much pain and discomfort. Of course, Chris's anger was now directed at me as he glares at me and tries his hardest to get Aiden off him without accidentally seriously hurting him but Aiden was persistent as hell.

Hazel stuck her hand into the ketchup she was using to eat her tater tots with and she began to paint Chris's shirt. Mind you, his shirt was Calvin Klein and very much white so with my eyes watering from how much I was laughing, I began to imagine how his shirt would come out pink when he went to wash it.

"Kai!" Chris screams out angrily which causes Easton to jolt in his seat from surprise. Tears fill his adorable eyes and I watch his bottom lip quiver and his hand begin to shake slightly.

Frowning, I instantly stand up from where I sat, any humor dissipated from me as I watch my little baby begin to cry profusely over being startled by Chris.

As soon as Easton sees me approaching him his crying slows and his hands stop shaking. Adorably, he peers up at me and I hear him slowly sniffling as his cries begin to die down just from me coming close to him. Smiling down at him, I'm right in front of his high chair when he lifts both his arms in the motion that he wants to be lifted.

Obliging to his wishes, I scoop him up and he instantly attaches himself to me like a parasite to its host.

I shoot a look at Chris who now has food all over him thanks to Archer and Aiden who are laughing at Chris who wears irritation all over his face. The toddlers stop laughing when Chris grabs a fist full of mash potatoes and launches it at their faces. It lands onto their faces and wincing, I brace myself for their wailing cries but it never came and that's when I remember it was Asher and Aiden. They were literally unbothered and instead of crying, they retaliate and threw food right back at Chris who screams out in annoyance and stands up.

"How is it possible for them to literally be just like Declan," Chris forcefully wipes off the food.

Shrugging, I respond with, "Declan's genetics are stronger than metal itself."

"It's no wonder these two are monsters," Chris narrows his eyes down at Asher and Aiden who are shaking with laughter as they attack each other.

Hazel peacefully eats her food while ignoring the chaos going on beside her and Easton continues to lay in my arms. I softly hear his breathing begin to slow and that's when I know he's fallen asleep despite the noise around us. When he fell asleep, he fell into a deep one. It scared Declan and I at first because we couldn't wake him up so we freaked out and with tears threatening to spill from my eyes, I rushed down to the hospital floor with Declan beside me who held an unconscious Easton.

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