- t w e n t y f i v e -

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"Last things last, By the grace of the fire and the flames. You're the face of the future, the blood in my veins, oh ooh. The blood in my veins, oh ooh. But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
Inhibited, limited. 'Til it broke up and it rained down, It rained down, like..."
     - Imagine Dragons
( Believer )

[November 3rd, 2020]

"Do you think you're gonna have a boy or girl?" Finnick asks as we stand side by side in the elevator going down to the floor beneath the first floor.

The floor beneath the first floor was the hospital and clinic floor from what I was told by Vera.

"It's a boy, no questions asked," Declan says.

Oh yeah, Declan was also here. Sometimes I forgot because he was so silent and wasn't speaking much. Looking up at him, I knew he was stuck in his own thoughts so I lessened my usual annoyance level and allowed Finnick to babbled on and on about the baby because he's so excited and seeing him like this was truly adorable.

His eyes held so much excitement and he could hardly keep still which was getting on Declan's nerves as he wanted there to be silence so he could gather his thoughts together but he didn't lash out at Finnick because of what's been going on.

Finnick and Killian weren't talking and what I mean by that is that Finnick is giving Killian the silent treatment. I thought it would've ended in a day after Elliot left because of his banishment but I was sorely wrong. I never knew how determined and stern minded my best friend was until now. I wasn't sure if this was his way of petitioning for Elliot's return or if this was because he was pissed. It could be both.

I'd never seen Killian so torn up though. Every time I saw the once before stoic and cold Alpha, I now saw hurt and anguish pierced into his gaze. He hardly spoke except for during meetings is what Declan told me. When Declan would talk to Killian, he'd hardly reply.

I could see how Finnick would also hurt from this too. Even though it was Finnick's decision, he still reaped in his own actions. The innocent boy showed in his face how much he wanted to be with his mate but his anger and determination didn't allow him to.

May lightheartedly bet me that they'd talk by the end of this week and hash it all out because Killian would cave and apologize to him because Killian, just like Declan, was whipped.

"What if it's a girl?" Finnick peers over at Declan.

Declan shrugs and opens his mouth to reply but I cut him off with my groan. I felt a painful kicking in my lower abdomen. It was the worst feeling I've ever experienced in my life which was saying something considering how I was abused years back and experienced beatings daily.

I knew I was supposed to experience kicking but this was extreme. It felt like a battle of the baby trying to fight its way out by kicking and punching, I was dramatizing it but that's the only true way to explain it.

It was so bad that my knees began to buckle and I would've fallen if not for Declan wrapping his strong arms around my waist and keeping me upright. I try to do the little breathing exercises that Vera taught me but it wasn't fucking working and I just continued to feel like absolute death. The only thing keeping me sane was the feeling of Declan's skin on mine.

"What's wrong?" I hear Finnick ask frantically, "what's happening to him?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Declan tries to remain calm but there is obvious panic in his voice.

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