Kiss Me (Kleinsen Pt. 3)

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Kiss Me (Kleinsen)

Loud. Loud. It was all loud. Everything around Evan was screaming in his ears, screeching like a car slamming the breaks. He could hear every little thing, a pen drop, a whisper, everyone's breath. He couldn't stand it, he couldn't take it, this happened every single time he tried to eat lunch in the cafeteria instead of skipping to stay hidden away in the bathroom. Every single time, every single sound. Their voices rumbled through him, causing it to be all too much, to make him feel their words sinking deep into his skin. It began to feel heavy, the words and the breaths and the sounds and the clangs and the bangs and the hushed voi- It all. It all...sank...deep...deep into him...until all he felt was hot and everything got fuzzy sounding. And then he couldn't breathe. And then he couldn't hear. And then he saw black. And then he felt the impact of the floor on his side, the only sound left being silence. At least he got what he wanted.

This situation had happened before. Sensory overload. One of Evan's worst fears was an attack from that. It usually resulted in a nurse coming to get him, taking him to their office, making sure he was okay, then calling his mom and having his only safety come up there: Jared.

And, back to present time. Evan sat in the nurse's office as she hung up her phone, looking at Evan with a sincerely worried look, her lips pursed for a moment, “Your mother will come get you soon. I called for that friend of yours, Kleinman. His teacher has him heading up here now, alright? He can stay for as long as you need, maybe even go home with you if that's alright with his mom, okay?”

Evan nodded, hands tugging at the hem of his shirt. The nurse stood up from her seat, sighing, “I'll be back soon. You try not to freak out.” She said that last part with a chuckle, as if she was trying to make Evan feel more light-hearted about the fact he just passed out in the cafeteria for the fifth time that year. His silence wiped the smile off her face, and she shook her head before heading on out the door. Right at that time, Jared was about to knock, so...she almost knocked him over...but that's not important, he was there, and that was. Jared gave a small wave and walked on inside, the nurse shutting the door behind him. He'd done this before, he'd done this since around late into the elementary years. So, really, he was accustomed. He didn't mind, not at all. He was happy to comfort Evan in these situations. To be completely honest, he liked doing it. He got to be closer, feel Evan's reactions, comfort him and say he cared without it being deemed as 'gay’.

Jared took a seat beside Evan, silence filling the air once more before Evan spoke, “ was loud…” Jared could feel his heart sink. It was loud. Sounded pitiful, and he hated it. Evan really didn't deserve to be so nervous, so utterly afraid of SOUND that volume of a room could tear him up. Besides, he was speaking like he felt guilty for pulling Jared out because of this. Jared didn't ever want his little Evan to feel that way, to feel guilt for needing his help, but he couldn't voice that.

So Jared nodded, “I...I’s scary...too much at once…” He then took ahold of Evan's hand, “One to ten?”

Evan sighed, “ was a nine then...probably a seven now…” And with that, Jared slipped off his overshirt, a blue flannel, then slipped it over Evan's shoulders before easily pulling him up into his lap. He held onto his hand, rocking him back and forth slowly, head resting on his, “One'll never be afraid of that kinda stuff again…”

Evan was silent for a few seconds before responding, “ day...not now…”

Jared nodded, squeezing his hand, “Yeah...but until then...I got you...okay? I'm going to protect you with my life, Evan...I won't let you get hurt...I…” He paused, “ know I love you…”

Evan flinched. He could have said anything but that, but he said he loved him. His heart full on ached, it felt heavy, like it were to drop down into his stomach. His eyes were ready to pool with tears, but he wasn't going to cry. He'd be confident, just for a second.

“I love you too, Jared.”

He said it so flatly, so dull, yet he meant it. He said it like he had no fear. Even so, his heart was pounding. Jared could feel it against his chest, beating like crazy.

“...are you oka-”

“J-Jared...I…” Dammit. Dammit, he didn't know what to say. He said he loved him, and he interrupted his simple question. Why? Fuck, he didn't know. He just did. Jared just looked at Evan like he were expecting something, so Evan slowly finished his sentence, breath shaky.

“...I...wanna...say...thank you...for...coming up't have to, o-or anything...I just...a-appreciate it...means a-a…”

Jared knew he had more to say. He just knew that's not what he meant. Evan's face was red, his heart was clearly pounding so hard you could hear it, he was shaking and unable to breath…”That’s...not all you had to say…”

Evan's breath hitched. There wasn't much he could say to that. He was caught red ha- well, red faced. His head spun with all the many things he could respond to that with, not sure which one was right in his freaked out state of mind. He didn't get the chance to pick one, he just spit it out, “Kiss me.”

Jared's eyebrows furrowed, but his reddening cheeks…”...kiss you? What do by-” Jesus Christ, Jared, man up. “You want me to kiss you?” Evan, eyes full of tears and his head unable to make clear thoughts, nodded.

Jared was unsure whether he was supposed to do it or not, he was unsure if Evan wanted it or why...but he did it. He slowly leaned in and connected their lips in a soft kiss. Immediately he realized what he'd done. Evan realized what he'd said. And they both realized they were sitting in a nurse's office, one on one's lap, hands intertwined, and their lips pressed together. They both realized how really gay this situation was, but how much they both liked it. So...hell, they didn't pull away and start screaming, 'No homo!’ They...kissed each other. Lips slowly moving in sync, Evan's hand going to cup Jared's cheek as Jared's arms went to rest on his sides.

Both boys said kiss me. Evan knew he said it because he had a sudden burst of confidence and he wanted it. Jared knew it was because...Evan liked him. He kissed back for the same reason.

There isn't much else to be said besides this: They did indeed hook up, but they also got detention for making out in the nurse's office.

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