Limey Lime LiMe (Tree Bros)

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Yes this is a lime if ya couldn't tell

Tree Bros Lime cuz yeah

Connor was a bit...possessive. He was considered what was called territorial. If it was his, it was his, and he'd show it. He'd make sure everyone and everything knew it was his and his only, and he'd do whatever was necessary to keep it that way. Number one instance being Evan. Evan was his, he was his sweet little baby, and he was very clear with that. Whether it be holding his hand at school, or straight up littering his neck in marks upon marks, and sometimes marks in other places. And Evan was fine with this. If anything, he thought it was cute of Connor to act that way. Connor also liked to make sure Evan knew who he belonged to, and he constantly reminded him. Sometimes in sweet little kisses to the neck with a 'You’re mine…’, and sometimes pinning him to the wall, pulling his head back by the hair so he could growl against his neck, which sorta meant the same thing.

And today happened to be a day where Connor was feeling extra affectionate and just a tad bit...angry. Some guy with glasses whistled at Evan in the hallway, and oh boy, that got him going. Evan was his, and if someone dare lay their eyes on him, he was going to make sure they understood that. So, he simply told Evan it didn't bother him, even though he knew damn well it did. Then he proceeded to ask Evan to spend the night, and that left him with a clear picture of what was going to happen.

So, as soon as school ended, the two were walking to Connor's house, Evan being a bit clingy since he knew Connor would like that after that small flirtatious thing happened. The pair then entered Connor's home, already heading upstairs, and as soon as they were up there...Evan's small frame was being pinned to the bed, Connor looking over him as he crawled on top to straddle.

“Look at me, Hansen.” Evan knew what that meant, so he quickly darted his big blue eyes up to Connor's face. Connor smirked a bit, voice a low mumble, “Good…” He then tilted Evan's head back slowly, placing his lips somewhere on the right side before planting a small kiss. The small kiss quickly turned into a nip, into a bite, into a dark purple mark being formed, causing Evan to whimper slightly and loosely wrap his legs up around Connor's thin waist. Connor knew exactly what he was doing, he knew Evan was already falling into submission for him. He then lifted his head up with one last small nip to the mark before taking Evan's chin between his thumb and index finger, “Now say it.”

This has happened before, multiple times, so Evan knew exactly what to say and the tone to say it in, “...'m yours…” His tone had a slight whimper to it, his eyes looking full of absolute submission. Connor nodded, “Now say it louder.” Evan's trembling voice spoke a bit louder, “I-I’m yours…only y-yours…”

Connor then started sliding off Evan's shirt, his shirt...and you know how it ends...

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