Bath Cuddles (Boyf riends)

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Hi I'm sick and I can't sleep so haha have my writing and yes they're married okay okay
Oh I'd also like to point out that I think they switch if ya know what I mean mmkay thank ya

Bath Cuddles (Boyf riends)

Jeremy sighed softly as he carefully let his toes sink down into the water for a split second to make sure it was the perfect temperature. It seemed to be just about right, so he went ahead and slid his foot into the water before cautiously balancing on the one as he brought over the other. He stood there in the tub for a moment, letting that heat lift up and against his pale skin. He'd been working all day and his husband had another hour or so until he'd be he was going to absolutely force himself into relaxation. Of course, that'd be a bit difficult, since if he was going to relax, Michael HAD to be there. The whole situation of having time to himself by himself was like if you were to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but without the jelly. Unnatural.

So, he slowly sat down in the boiling hot water, watching the steam rise as he slid his back against the cold, white shower wall. And then...he just sat there. The water felt good on his skin, the air around him was quite relaxing...but...he was missing something. Michael. Jeremy groaned and laid his head against the wall, huffing out. This was so fucking boring! How could a guy relax...if...if he wasn't comfortable! Jeremy couldn't be comfortable without being in Michael's arms or having Michael in his arms! With all his huffing and sounds of frustration, the cursing under his breath and tiny splashes, he didn't even realize the bathroom door opening and closing, or his husband laughing quietly as he crouched down behind him outside the tub, sitting on a rug that was placed there. He didn't notice his presence until he felt a hand softly swipe away some wet hair that was sticking to his forehead before gently cupping his cheek, turning it to face him.

"Somehow, I knew you'd be in here."

Jeremy's face lit up to see Michael there, a smile on his face, causing Michael to smile too. Jeremy didn't care if he was dripping with hot water or not, he grabbed Michael's face and kissed it, getting little drops of water on the poor guy's glasses. Michael laughed and gave him a small kiss back, pushing his glasses up on top of his head, "Hard day, huh, baby?" Jeremy nodded, sitting up a bit in the water as Michael let his back rest against the tub, "Yeah..." Jeremy began, "What're you doing home early?" Michael shrugged and pulled up his sleeves, the steam in the bathroom really getting to him, "Got everything done, boss sent me home. I'm sure glad he did I can join you..." Jeremy smiled and playfully pushed him, planting a wet handprint on his hoodie, "Weirdo..."

Michael laughed, starting to tug off his hoodie, words muffled as he spoke due to that, "Aw, hush it, you want me in there with you..." He tossed aside his hoodie as Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Just get in here." Michael raised an eyebrow, pulling off his shirt next, "Get in Heere? Oh, believe me, I'd love t-"


He laughed, finally pulling off everything, and unlike Jeremy, he full on stepped into the tub. Luckily, the water was warmer by now, but even boiling hot lava from a volcano would be okay to Michael. He smiled at Jeremy, suddenly wrapping his arms around him and dragging him up into his lap. Jeremy sighed, smiling softly as he relaxed against his chest. He'd been waiting to do this all with Michael. Just...feel his skin...his body...right next to him...

He was definitely getting to do that, since Michael was being touchy as hell. Normally, Jeremy was the touchy one, that being just because he was clingy. But, Michael had a hand slowly sliding up and down his thigh, fingertips grazing over his skin. His hot breath was purposefully being breathed right down his neck as he placed small kisses and nips up and down it. His other hand decided to get friendly with Jeremy's hips, but really, he didn't mind. He was still getting some soft touches, some romantic love...even if it was coming in the form of Michael's hands all over him and hickeys being littered on his neck. It was all good to him. He loved getting to spend time with the man he loved...he loved getting to be with Michael after a long day...

Michael spoke against Jeremy's neck, saying 'I love you's and sweet compliments, talking about what they'd do once they got out of the tub, (which, wasn't all too romantic, but definitely fun) giving his neck the occasional tiny kiss or sometimes nip, because why not. They were simply enjoying the other's presence...the other's company, the other's warmth...the other's love...and it was utter bliss.

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