"Handsome Baby Boy" (Boyf riends)

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Ayo, kiddos. I've been wanting to write a oneshot with trans Michael for a while, so here ya go!

Michael and Jeremy had been at Jeremy's house all day, and...even into the night. It was around 2am and both boys were getting tired, and had even winded up sitting down their controllers to silently snuggle. Jeremy had his arms wrapped around Michael's waist, their legs tangled together, hands intertwined. He was actually still awake, but barely holding onto that. Meanwhile, his boyfriend...he was about to fall into a deep sleep. And that's when Jeremy realized...yeah, Michael was still in his binder and nothing but his binder and a pair of boxers and shorts. Usually Michael winded up falling asleep in it or completely refused to take it off, not wanting to see his female body anymore than he had to. That often lead to Jeremy having to make him take it off, knowing it could squeeze him to the point he'd injure his ribs or something. So, he gently shook Michael's shoulder, mumbling, “Hey...wake up…” Michael slowly stirred, brown eyes opening up to look at him. His voice came out tired and soft, “Mm...wh-...what…?”

Jeremy sat up slowly, motioning toward the binder. Michael immediately shook his head and laid his head back down. That led to the taller boy sighing, voice taking on a more serious tone, “You know you aren't supposed to sleep in tha-” Michael quickly cut him off, “Yeah, I know, but I don't want to take it off.” Jeremy swiped some hair out of his eyes, pulling him up gently. “You can wear one of my really big shirts and your hoodie, you won't even know they're there…” Michael huffed and stood up, grabbing his hoodie and a random shirt laying on Jeremy's dresser, “Look away…” Jeremy quickly did so while Michael changed, soon feeling the other side of the bed sink down. He slowly looked back over, seeing Michael curled up and facing toward the wall. He was clearly upset, and trying his best to cover up his chest by pulling his legs up and hugging them towards him.

Jeremy slowly got closer and laid down beside him, wrapping his arms around him and tangling their legs together. It was time to do the only thing that could make Michael feel better in this situation.

“I love you, Michael...you're the best boyfriend I could ever have…” He kept his voice soft, making sure to nuzzle into his neck occasionally. “I love you too, Jere-Bear…” Jeremy couldn't hear the smile just yet, so he continued. “You're so handsome…” And there was a small laugh, making Jeremy smile and go on, “My handsome baby boy…” Michael laughed quietly, clearly enjoying this. He always did, actually. It's what always got his mind off his body, just Jeremy complimenting him and making sure to refer to him as his boyfriend, call him handsome, baby boy, anything that made him feel...more comfortable.

And Jeremy continued talking to Michael like that until the two fell asleep snuggling close.

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