That's What Friends Do (Boyf riends/NSFW)

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I can't smut

That's What Friends Do (Boyf riends/NSFW)

Jeremy masturbated a whole fucking lot. It was kinda sad how much the guy jerked off. There isn't much else to say but that, he was always doing it. The amount of porn he had on his laptop and phone was over twelve hours, and he wasn't even ashamed. Now, of course, there's going to be a time where...a teenage boy gets...tired...of just masturbation. And what does he do? He seeks a girl to help him, naturally, or maybe he'll explain the situation to his girlfriend or a girl he knows. Hope for the best.

Problem is...Jeremy had no girlfriend or girl buddies. Every female in existence thought he was a weirdo.

But lucky for Jeremy, he had a gay best friend.

It started as basically just another night of Jeremy and Michael hanging out at Jeremy's house since his dad was at work and they had no worries of him walking in and asking if Jeremy was with a girl. They were sprawled out on the floor, Jeremy on his chest with Michael laying his head on Jeremy's friends do. They were having a conversation about Christine, since Jeremy couldn't keep his mind off of her.

“Michael look, I've tried absolutely everything I can. I'm too afraid to talk to her, I can't NOT be weird about sending her a letter, looking at her is WEIRD!” Jeremy huffed and paused the game, pressing his face into the rug, groaning, “I just-!” Michael just nodded, letting him continue, “She's so pretty! She's so sweet! I wanna...I just want a girlfriend. Particularly her...but seriously, I'm lonely and porn is eventually going to get boring.”

Michael sat down his controller and raised off of him, “Look for someone else. There's plenty of pretty girls who like Shakespeare, right?” Jeremy sat up too, pulling his legs up to his chest and hugging them, “I want Christine…”

Michael replied with simply, “Clearly.”

Jeremy sighed softly and pressed his back against the bed, “Besides, she probably wouldn't let me have sex with her...why am I even trying…”

“Because you like her and you're horny?”

Jeremy looked at Michael with an almost pissed expression, “Yes and yes! But she's out of my league and I won't ever find a nice girl who I could have sex with! No one is that good!”

And that's why Michael was gay. All gay guys were nice and willing to have sex. But, after all, this was his best friend so: “Y’know I'll give you a blowjob if you need something that bad, right?”

Jeremy just looked at him in confusion. He knew what he said, he believed what he said, it was just...weird...of him. Michael shrugged, “I mean, for one, we're best friends. I have no problem helping you. Two, I could use the experience for when I get a boyfriend.” He said that last part with a laugh, causing Jeremy to laugh a bit himself, “' off…?” Michael just nodded, “Sure would.”

Jeremy looked at him for a second, “, right now…?” He already had his hands at his jeans, because gay or not, yes, he wanted a blowjob. Michael shrugged again, “Why not.” And with that, he was taking off his jeans, no words said. As for Michael, he just had Jeremy stand up and slide off his boxers before getting down on his knees, himself.

“Just pretend I'm a girl. If you imagine it as Christine, it won't be weird.” Jeremy nodded, boxers being slipped off. Somehow, it just...wasn't awkward. Sure, both of them were a bit red in the face from the fact this was actually happening, but it wasn't weird.

Then Michael took him into his hand, beginning to softly stroke it. That resulted in a small jump from Jeremy, which was actually kinda cute to Michael, but he wouldn't say that. He leaned in and flicked his tongue over the tip, dipping it into the slit. And even though it had JUST started, Jeremy was already in absolute heaven. Why hadn't he ever just asked Michael to suck his dick, jeez, he's his gay best friend, why would he decline?

Michael then parted his lips and placed them over an inch or so, sliding them down a bit and starting to softly suck. Again, he had no experience with this, but he seemed to know what he was doing. He seemed professional by the time he was deepthroating him with Jeremy's legs wrapped around his head and his hands tugging at his hair.

It ended quite quickly, since that was the first time it ever happened. After that, they went on with whatever they were doing with no words said. They didn't even speak about it unless Jeremy wanted something.

Eventually, it got to where it was this: “Just pretend I'm Christine, it isn't weird if I'm Christine.” Michael said that everytime. Which is probably why they ended up doing...more...than the simple blowjob. And, actually, Jeremy never once moaned Christine's name. But he sure did moan Michael's. Michael clearly enjoyed that, so Jeremy never stopped doing it. Luckily, he still did it when they were boyfriends, too.

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