Jealousy (Sincerely, Three)

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Jealousy (Sincerely, Three)

Evan was too precious of a boy not to be head over heels with. And that's why both his friends, Connor and Jared, winded up...falling hard for him. Problem was, they fucking hated each other's guts. Not just because they both wanted Evan to themselves, but because they found the other to be absolutely annoying. Connor smoked and cursed too much for Jared's liking, and Jared was too much of a snarky little asshole for Connor to handle. And when they learnt they both had feelings for Evan, that disliking became hatred, which became a rivalry.

They fought to sit with him, they fought to hang out with him, they fought to buy him better things, they fought to ask him out, they fought for his attention, they fought to see who got him.

Then it came down to it. They both got him. Evan agreed to be with BOTH of them. Under one condition: They got along. When Connor and Jared learnt they had to be buddies to have Evan's love, they were pissed. They didn't want to have a thing to do with the much pain as it brought them...they'd do anything for their sweet Evan. So, they agreed to put up with each other...but not be friends. Even so, Evan continued to try to achieve making them friends. He did everything he could, literally EVERYTHING. He made Connor and Jared both hang out with him on Saturday, no matter what their plans called for. He made them talk in his group chat, he made them discuss interests. Everything.

As time went on, nothing really worked. The two just clearly weren't meant to be. That saddened Evan, but he would never give up. And, it turns out, maybe he was trying too hard. After all, he always made them discuss why they hated each other, instead of reasons they'd be good friends.

What did it take to achieve a friendship? Twilight.

Y'know...the movies...the dumbass romance movies about a human and a vampire and werewolf loving her…?

Basically, it went like this: Evan made them come over, like he did every Saturday. He insisted they watch a movie, a romance, of course. Then he brought out...Twlilight. Both Connor and Jared immediately groaned. Evan laughed and put the movie on in, and here's a short summary of how that went.

Connor thought the whole thing was stupid, Jared thought the characters were stale, Connor said he wanted gay characters, Jared hated the entire plot, Connor thought it was unrealistic as hell, and Jared said Bella was the lamest female character ever.

Somehow, that winded up with them becoming friends...over...hating a romance movie…

Evan was in the wrong with making them talk about why they hated each other, because apparently all he needed was to make them watch a shitty romance movie about vampires and werewolves. And the best part was, they actually had a lot of fun laughing and deeply criticizing a movie to the point every fan of it would cry.

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