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Sorry for not uploading on friday, I got the spider man game and have been grinding it, I will try to update more but we'll see. I also felt like I rushed through the introductions but at the same time we all know these characters so they don't really have to be introduced. Idk where  I'm going with this but just enjoy the story.


I'm off to algebra class and I'm honestly not excited to  go to this class. When I had math last year I absolutely was terrible at it so let's see how this goes. The teacher puts us in a seat order. I sat down listening to all the teachers rules and expectations. She then gave us all the papers we need signed and other boring stuff. She then let us talk to one another.

I got on my phone and watched a new dance video that just got uploaded, I started learning how to dance so I've been learning. Then somebody taps my shoulder.

"Hey their is that a dance video, I really love dancing."

"Yah I'm starting to learn how to dance a little bit, what's your name?"

"My names Momo how about you?"

"My names Y/N."

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I can teach you sometime how to dance, I'd  like to say I'm pretty good at dancing"

"Ok I'll take you up on that offer some time."

We then talk about our interest and I say I really love dogs and I have a Shiba inu and a German Shepard at home.

"Oh I have someone I would like you to meet then, Tzuyu come over here please."

I then see a very pretty girl come over and I'm almost shocked that she's so pretty.

"Tzuyu I found another dog lover for you to make friends with."

I keep staring then come back to my senses.

"Sorry bout that, but yah I love dogs what dogs do you have or are into"

"Omg I'm into any kind of dogs and I have a pomeranian at home that I call Gucci and they are just the cutest thing ever. If anything I would like every type of dog in the world."

I was surprised by how passionate she was about dogs.

We all kept talking about more things and then the bell rang to go to our final class. I had world geography. I was one of the first to get their. I later saw nayeon and jeongyeon come in, they came and sat next to me. Then later Momo and Sana, then jihyo and mina, and finally dahyun, chaeyoung, and Tzuyu.

How the heck did all nine girls get the same class as me. The teacher then introduces herself and then goes on about boring stuff. She then goes to her desk and we all start talking.

"OK how the heck did all you girls get in this same classroom."

"Maybe it was destiny Y/N" Sana says

"Uh huh"

"I can't geuss either, it's weird we all got the same class. Especially for the last period." Jeongyeon said

"Well I guess it's good that we can all be in the same class." Mina says quietly

"Gosh dang it Sana get your hands off Y/N he's uncomfortable."

"Why should I Jeongyeon, does it make you jealous~."

"N-No just... ugh nevermind."

"Um Sana I actually don't like this attention that much so if you could kindly stop holding me that would be great."

"Hmph fine."

The bell finally rings and we all get out. We all find out in another coincidence that we all ride the same bus and we all live near each other. What a weird plot coincidence.

(Author: hey my story I do what I want. Gosh you create an Y/N and suddenly they hate you for plot coincidences.)

We wait for the bus and once it comes all the girls rush to sit next to me. Chaeyoung signals Mina to sit next to her. I guess Chaeyoung really likes Mina. Nayeon sits with Jeongyeon. Sana tries to sit next to me but fails due to Jihyo getting their first. Sana sits with Tzuyu and dahyun sits with Momo.

"Why the heck were you all trying to sit next to me."

"No reason." Jihyo says

"Cause we all want to smash y..."

Sana cuts off mid sentence because Tzuyu shuts her mouth.

"What did she say."

"Don't worry about it Y/N" Tzuyu says.

We all get off the bus and head home. My way to my house  is different from theirs so we all say goodbye to each other.

"Man was this first day was real crazy. Guess my life is going to get eventful."


Well theirs the 3rd chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. I want to make this story as interesting as I can so I might not update that often. I want to update every week  but since I don't have a phone and have to use a tablet to write it's kind of hard. I will try to upload every week and my friend might help me with the story and he's good at story telling so the story should hopefully get more interesting.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it and have a beautiful  day because you all deserve it. Byeeee 

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