Homecoming: Jeongyeon

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The last girl before the harem ending and the what I call the (Home)coming chapter, I won't give a date but I want to do it before this month ends. :/


Why do I feel like I've been trying to make this decision for 7 months? I must be on something but I think through all this thinking I know for sure who to pick, the one that I honestly can't get out of my head and the one who will hopefully be with me forever.


"Hey there I hope you weren't waiting long, I'll be at your house shortly. I hang up and head to Jeongyeon's house.

Jeongyeon's POV

He actually called me! Ok lets not get too excited, I feel like I'm going to need to pull out all the stops so I actually can capture Y/N's heart, hopefully this dress does it but I know Y/N will like me no matter what, he's just that kind of guy. Oh how I hope this day last forever.


I come up to Jeongyeon's door and can't wait to see how beautiful she's going to be, I'm practically red already and I haven't seen her. As I ring the doorbell she comes out and I was almost back to normal but now I'm even redder then before, jesus christ is Jeongyeon captivating me right now. 

"Here I am in this moment without a wedding ring"

"Wait what did you say Y/N?"

Shit! I said that out loud? Damn Jeongyeon really caught me slipping, she's just so beautiful and I just blurted it out.

"Uh I don't know what you're talking about haha, lets get going to the place and enjoy ourselves."

"Come on Y/N I want to know what you said!"


As we walk and I try to dodge Jeongyeon asking me what I said I can't help but continue and stare.


We make it to the dance and I notice the girls, Jeongyeon looks at me and I nod to her so she can go talk to them.

Jeongyeon's POV

I walk up to the girls and decide to talk to them, I don't know if they're completely fine but I know they can get through this.

"Hey what's up girls how are y'all doing?"

"Jeongyeon I already know why you came over here, I've known you long enough to know how you are, we are fine, we don't care that Y/N didn't pick us. We're happy that he chose you and we are especially happy for you that you can enjoy this moment with someone you love. Now go on and have fun with him" Nayeon says

The rest of the girls look at me and nod, I knew they would be supporting but they look so happy for me. I can't help but get a tear in my eye and get in a group hug with them. 

"I love you guys, I hope you guys have a great night."


As I get a drink of fruit punch I notice the girls in a group hug and it's just so nice seeing them being fine with this situation, I know how much those girls care for each other. Jeongyeon finally comes back to me and I notice a tear in her eye.

"Those girls really care you. Now lets get that tear out of your eye and let me make this night the best you've ever had."

"I really appreciate you Y/N now lets go dance."

I take Jeongyeon to the dance floor and we start moving to the upbeat music. After a bit the music starts slowing down and we start talking while in each others arm.

"You know Jeongyeon you really are super beautiful and I know you heard me about the Wedding ring thing. I'm not going to lie, even though I said that just out of my head I kind of meant it. I don't mean to put it in your head this early in this maybe relationship but I think I truly love you"

"Y/N you're going to make me cry again, and I feel the same way, it may be a bit early but I do want to be with you forever and I also really love you too."

I lean in for the kiss and our lips meet, this is the kiss I always imagined with Jeongyeon. Words can't begin to describe how this kiss feels and I truly feel Jeongyeon is the one for me and I want to be with her forever.

"I really do love you Jeongyeon, I want to be with you forever."

"Me too Y/N, I hope we can be together forever."


Well boys that's the last girl for this series, I hope you guys had fun on this run with me. this isn't the last chapter though, we have the harem chapter and the (home)coming chapter. I'm honestly very sorry about this, this book should've been done 2 years ago but I guess things just happen and I never expected to be this busy. I Hope to finish this book before the month ends and I don't want to let you guys down. 

Anyways I hope to see you guys in the next chapter and I hope you all have a great day. Goodbyeeeeeee.

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