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"Y/N where are we going for our date~."

"What... wasn't I just in bed."

"What are you talking about silly, we've walking around the city for 15 minutes."

I face the girl who's talking to me but I can't see her face. Suddenly the scenery changes and I see 8 faceless girls crying

"Why didn't you choose me Y/N, didn't you love me."

"I thought you loved me Y/N, I was a better girl than her."

What's even happening right now. Suddenly their tears become a river and I start drowning.

I get up from my bed wondering what the heck just happened. I can tell that I was sweating. I decide to go to take a shower and just try to forget about that dream.

Twice's POV

"OK I'm just going to say this now buy we all have a crush on Y/N right?" Sana says

"Eww no why would I like that boy, I would be better looking than him if I was a boy." Nayeon says

"Yah I don't like him either, Mina is way better than him." Chaeyoung says

"Well then besides you two all on of us like him right.?"

No one said anything

"Really guys, you are just going to keep quiet like that. I was trying to be fair so we all have an equal chance but I guess Y/N will just be mine."

It looked like all the girls wanted to say something but before they could Y/N walked by.


I just got to school and was thinking what the heck that dream meant. It has to mean something and I feel like it's about a relationship but I haven't had one since last year. The dream was about multiple girls so what could it be. I've only dated one girl. I keep walking them I suddenly get Sana hold my arm.

"Hey their Y/N, what's up~."

"Oh... hey Sana, I'm what's up."

"Nothing much just talking to the girl."

"Oh hey girls how's it going."

They all stare at me like something happened.

"Don't worry about them Y/N they are just acting weird."

"Oh.... OK I'm just going to head to class early then."

"I'll go with you then since we have the same class."

She grabs my arm and we walk to class together. As we walk I'm hearing people talk about us.

"Omg look at them, you think they are a couple?"

"They look like a couple but I wanted to be in a relationship with Y/N"

"You like Y/N?"

"Yah look at him he looks so dreamy with his E/C eyes and his H/L H/C hair."


"Hey Sana can you let go of my hand I don't want people thinking we are dating or have rumors about you and me."

"Does it really matter though, what if I want them to think that?"

"Sorry Sana I'm not ready for a relationship, especially not since the last one"

"....I was just kidding Y/N I don't want to be in a relationship right now either."


I go to my desk and just sit down waiting for class to start

Sana's POV

"I'm so stupid why did I even say that stuff, I'm always being way too straight forward. But what did he mean by the last relationship he had? I guess i shouldn't try to hard, I'll be a better friend and he'll eventually fall in love with me. Yes that's how I'll do it, I'll gradually make him fall in love with me, those girls don't stand a chance."


I'm just trying to get through the day but I feel like 1st period has lasted forever. As I say that the bell rings to get to 2nd period, at least I can do some exercise to let go of some stress.

"Hey Y/N how's it going."

"Oh.. hey Kai, it's going somewhat weird. I had this dream about some girls and I don't know why. It's weirding me out."

"It's probably nothing Y/N just some weird dream just let it go and it'll be fine."

"Yah I guess i'll just go on with my day."


Hey guys I'm very sorry I didn't upload on Wednesday like promised but honestly I think I should stop making promises because I'm never keeping them. I feel bad and I'm going to try harder to update every week. If it comes down to it I'll upload every two weeks and each chapter will be a 1000 words plus, just to make myself feel somewhat better. I do have a passion for writing it's just schools just weird. Ima stop making excuses and just try to keep writing.

Anyways guys have a beautiful day because you all deserve it. Byeeeeee

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