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Hey guys how is it going? Damn I haven't done anything on this app in such a long time. I started writing on this app such a long time ago and now I'm 20 years old 😭 as you can probably guess I now do things not related to this app and I got a full time job. Still a single Pringle 😎 but we move. Making a decent amount of bread so I can't ask for more tbh. I'm sorry y'all couldn't get the (home)coming chapter but I honestly dont think I can write it. Once in a while I get a spark to write but then it kind of fades away. Recently I've been feelings it but I'm honestly not going to let y'all down with a story that will be on Hiatus for 3+ years lol. Hope y'all can understand. I honestly do want to write another story but I think ima keep it in the drafts till I get to the ending so I can just upload chapters after they have been written and revised. Don't know what I want to write but we'll see. Hope y'all take it easy and have a beautiful day because y'all deserve it :)

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