Homecoming: Chaeyoung

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Decided to publish this chapter now because it was my birthday yesterday and I don't think you guys should have to wait longer. I think I've taken a good enough break so let's get this book over with. 5 more parts to go.


You know, I never once thought that one day I would just have to pick 1 girl out of 9 to be with me in a relationship. Literally thought I was going to spend high school lonely and heartbroken and then I get myself in this situation.

Well what can I do now? I guess just think about who I really like, I really do like them all but who stands out to me? If I think back I tried really hard for Chaeyoung to be friends with me, but did I really only want to be friends? The girls did tell me if I really only wanted to be friends but now that I think about it maybe I did want something more, is it really like me just to be friends with someone.... ok maybe but it seems like I really do like Chaeyoung.

*Ring Ring*

"Hey Chaeyoung, I'll be over their shortly."

"O-Oh really? Then I'll be waiting."

Chaeyoungs POV

Omg he really picked me, I couldn't be happier. This really is my lucky day, I'm so glad Y/N made me a better person and brought back my friendly side. That's most likely the reason I fell in love with him, he tried so hard just to get me to be friends with him and re-establish my friendship with the girls. Y/N really is the nicest guy I know. No wonder I fell for him. I'll make sure to make this the greatest day ever.


The front of Chaeyoung's house looks beautiful as always. I wonder when she'll harvest the strawberries.

"Speaking is strawberries, where is the cutest one I'm taking out today!"

"Oh be quiet Y/N you are going to make me blush."

"I'm not kidding though, you really look cute in that dress of your's. Already stealing my heart."

"Shut up Y/N"

Chaeyoung playfully punches my arm

"Ow Chaeyoung, I think you broke my arm..... just kidding"

This time Chaeyoung actually punches me hard

"Haha I deserve that."

"Yah you do. Hmph"

We head off to the dance and my lord I just can't keep my eyes off Chaeyoung. She's just a perfect mix of beautiful and cute.

"Hey Chaeyoung?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"I really do love you."

Chaeyoung turns as red as a strawberry 😏

"What kind of stupid things are you saying!"

"No I'm really telling the truth, you really are catching my eye and I can't stop but admire you, I'm glad I asked you to homecoming."

"I'm glad too Y/N, If it weren't for you I'd still be by Mina's side all by myself without my other friends and.... without you. Your kindness made me fall for you Y/N, I will never forget what you did for me and I'm grateful, both because I got back on good terms with my friends and because I get to be with the one I love."

"I'm glad I decided to help, I don't know what I would be doing right now if I didn't think I actually loved you. You really do make me whole Chaeyoung."

"Their you go again Y/N, you are going to make find a new shade of red."

"Come on Chaeyoung let's dance and enjoy this day to our fullest.

"I would like that."

We get on the dance floor as the slow song decides to play. Me and Chaeyoung immediately get into the rhythm and dance like theirs no tomorrow. Chaeyoung looks so stunning in her dress, I seriously can't keep my eyes off her.

"Chaeyoung I want you to know that you are my everything now and I never want to let you go. I'll never let you go back to how you were because I cherish you and love you."

"Me to Y/N, you are my everything and I can never let you go, promise me you'll be with me forever and never let me go."

"I promise beautiful."

We kiss passionately and I can say without a doubt this kiss is something special, it may be the strawberry I can taste on her lips but this kiss resembles how much I actually love her. I'll live Chaeyoung forever and never let her go, that I swear my life on.


Hey I'm finally back after 500 years. I must thank you all for being patient with me. I think I've finally taken a long enough break to continue writing this story and ultimately finish it. I have two other books planned but I can tell you right now that I'm actually drafting for them and you won't be seeing them for another year most likely. Anyways once this story is finished I'll release teasers but for now, we just need 5 more parts and we'll be done.

Hope you all have a beautiful day because you all deserve it. Byeeee

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