Just Cuddles | Namjoon

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Today, Namjoon was completely ignoring you, and it was starting to make you angry.  He just sat in his office and typed on his computer.

Every time you walked in to talk, he would say something along the lines of, "Not now sweetheart" and continue typing.  Each time his finger hit that keyboard your anger would grow.

"Daddy don like me, Daddy like work better." You huffed out in frustration.  Your spot on the couch was beginning to feel less and less comfy the more you sat in it.

All of a sudden, your little mind had an idea.

You were going to break rule #1:

'No jumping on the couch!'

"Dis'll show Daddy!" You smiled in a cute-evil way.

You stood up and began to jump up and down.  After a while, you started to get bored and realized he wasn't going to come out of the dreaded office.

With arms crossed and a pout on your face, you sat back down on the couch and went into deep thought.

"I know!" You, once again, thought of an idea to get the workaholic's attention.

You were going to break rule #2:

No swearing!

You stood up and thought of the worst word you could possibly say.

Then, with all your might, you screamed, "STUPID!"

That was possibly the worst thing to say in this household ever.  You would get punished every time you said it, no matter the situation.

However, your Daddy showed no reaction to the word.  Now, you remember him having headphones on the last time you went in the office.

Once again, you pouted.  Your butt slammed on the ground in response to feeling sad and angry at the same time.  All you wanted was Namjoon's love and attention.

He was breaking rule #3:

Always put Y/N before anything else!

Tears filled the brims of your eyes.

"Daddy!" You cried out.

If anyone was outside, they would have thought someone was in serious distress.  But you truly were, your heart was breaking.

Back in the office, Namjoon thought he deserved a break after working for seven hours straight.  He ended the video call he was currently holding with Min Yoongi, both of them agreeing to continue their work tomorrow.

He took his soundproof headphones off and felt the cold air hit his ears, along with many loud cries.

Not caring about anything else but the source of these sounds, Namjoon slammed the headphones down on the desk and ran out of the office.

He gasped lightly when he saw you on the ground, curled in a little ball and crying your soul out.

He walked up to your shaking figure and untangled your position.  He was now on the floor, with you crisscross on his lap.

You began to relax once you realized you finally had the warm embrace you were longing for.

"Baby, hey." He cupped your face with his hands and began to wipe your tears away.

"Whats wrong?" You looked him in the eyes and brought your hands up to his, so they were connecting.

"D-daddy broke r-rule nummer sree." You responded, little hiccups making you stumble on your words.

He looked over at the rule chart you guys made together which was taped on the wall.

Rule #3:  Always put Y/N before anything else!

He looked back at you and looked into your eyes.  It was almost like they told him all of the pain and suffering you went through today.

"I'm so sorry, little angel," He made a huge mistake, and really wants to show you how sorry he is.

Your Daddy hugged you tight and whispered, "What can I do to show you that it won't happen again baby?"

"J-just cuddles, Daddy." You whispered back.


You made a surprised sound when you were suddenly swooped up and placed on Namjoon's hip.

"It's cuddle time!" Namjoon sang, making you giggle.


That was bad, I know.

But if you have a request I will try my hardest not to screw it up.

Thank you for reading!


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