Crowds & Lights Out | Taehyung

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"Daddy!" You yelled.

Yesterday, Taehyung promised to take you to the toy store the next morning after he falsely accused you for ruining the couch and one of your picture's together. But he later found out that the dog did it, and felt really sorry.

"Wake up! We have go to toy stow!" You shook him until he jolted up, causing you to fall on the ground.

Luckily, your good mood was way too big to be ruined by a small thing like that, so you just got up with a smile still on your face and said, "I'm okay!"

Taehyung just chuckled while giving you a small hug, "Sorry baby."

"Daddy," You whined, "Can we go toy stow now?"

"In a bit baby-cakes. For now lets go have some breakfast."

Taehyung made you both a few slices of french toast, which was something you absolutely loved.  Taehyung smiled and chewed as he watched you savor every piece of the delicious pan made food.


"Daddy!  I wanna new stuffie!  An a new tea set!" You told him as you skipped towards the toy store.  As it turns out, there were a lot of people here for a big sale the store was holding.

"Sweetie!" Taehyung called out, "Don't run very far, stay by me because of this big crowd."

He grabbed your hand to keep you next to him.

Two minutes passed and you were finally able to get into the store, they are having a limit on how many people can come in since everything is so chaotic.  "Where is the section with the tea sets?" Taehyung asked an employee.

"Um, I think they are by the bathrooms, but I'm not really sure since this is my first day, and my partner left me to go help a mother find a certain doll set." She explained, including unnecessary details.

Taehyung has been here before, but didn't really know the exact map of where everything was placed.  But he luckily knew where the bathrooms were.  "This way baby," He dragged you towards the back of the store.

He knew that the employee was wrong because there were just boy toys in the back isles.

Seeing the bathrooms, Taehyung finally realized his urge of having to go pee.

"Y/N can you do me a huge favor, I really have to use the bathroom, so can you please stay here on the bench?  Don't walk away okay?  I don't want to get scared that something happened to you or you get scared when you can't find me.  Please stay here, okay?" Taehyung asked, running his hand through your hair.

"Okay Daddy!  I will stay here!" You nodded at him.  He gave you a small smile and rushed into the bathroom.  You began to kick your feet, and you were awfully bored.

I could find the tea set for Daddy!  He would be so proud of me!

You loved the thought of Taehyung praising you for being a big girl and getting the tea set by yourself.

You jumped up from the bench and began running to the front of the store, almost hitting people as you did so.

You ended up in an isle with Barbie Jeeps, you stared at them.

Why are the cars little?

You thought, chuckling because little space for cars was such a hilarious thing to you.

I need to find the tea set though!

You shook your head and walked away, wanting to continue on with your mission.

Finally reaching the isle you were searching for, you sighed and grabbed the princess tea set you were desperate to find.

Turning back, everything suddenly went black.

The panicked shrieks from children everywhere in the isles scared you.  The power had gone out.  But you were afraid of the dark, everything about it freaked you out.

A common thing for you when you were scared, was to have panic attacks.  Unlucky for you, you currently had no comfort to help you through it, so you were basically breathing heavily, as tears poured down your face.

You slowly started to walk out of the isle, clutching the tea set in your arms.  You constantly ran into someone, which scared you even more, since you didn't know if they were monsters or not.

When everyone was silent but you, the silence left you thinking that you were alone, causing you to freak out even more.  You curled up on the ground and cried into your knees.

"Y/N!?" Someone shouted throughout the store.

Sounds of running feet echoed from the walls. 

You paid no attention to it, your shaking body and increasing heartbeat was distracting enough.  Your knees became soaked and when the lights turned on, you looked up, but couldn't move.

You were extremely traumatized.  "Y/N?  Y/N!  Oh my goodness, baby!" You felt two hands lifting you up, but you continued to shake and cry.

"I was so worried!"  Taehyung hugged you and stroked your hair with his hand.  He ignored all of the stares you guys were receiving, "Come on, let's go home." 

Taehyung walked out of the store, him carrying you out.  "We'll get your toys some other time."

He sat on the front of his car and began to rock you back and forth.  "Shhh, it's okay, Daddy's here, your safe."

However you continued to shake and sob.  "Baby, I'm so sorry I left you there alone, I should've known that you would get anxious." He stroked your hair again, allowing your tears to soak his shirt.

"Daddy!" You cried out again, you were super tense and it hurt, but you couldn't stop it, what happened was just to much.

"I know sweetie, just calm down, everything is okay now," He soothed.

Taehyung put his hand on your neck and massaged it, he was trying to help release the tension that was building up from you tensing up your shoulders.

After a while of this, you were finally calm, and sleeping in your boyfriends arms.

Taehyung smiled, put you in the car, and drove the both of you home.


I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, homework and practice got me really tired.

Also, are you guys freaking out about the YouTube outage too?  How am I supposed to watch my favorite Bangtan videos if the provider is being stupid!?

Anyway, I hope they fix it, I also hope you like this chapter!


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