Past Abuser | Seokjin

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***Includes Abuse

(Double update to celebrate!!!)


"Hello there," Hyung-Min said.  Y/N was with the man for two years, well, not with him, mostly held captive, but she was never able to leave.

"H-hi." Y/N said back.  She escaped when he unconsciously left the door open one night when he was drunk.  She had cut tried her best to cut ties with him ever since.

"Well hello there!" Jin, your current boyfriend -and Daddy- said, greeting the man in the most polite way possible.  He knew who this was however, and if they were ever alone, Hyung-Min would never see the light of day ever agian.

The scrawny male was obviously never bound to win any fight, unless his opponent was Y/N, then he would definitely beat her.  Literally and figuratively.  In the middle of the store, a fight would definitely cause some trouble.

Jin gave the sinful man an extremely fake smile, moving the short girl to the side.  "I don't believe we've ever met!  I'm Kim Seokjin, pleasure to meet you," Jin held his hand out.

"Hyung-Min." The smaller man said with a straight face, shaking Jin's hand, trying to squeeze it in a threatening way.  But the older man only smiled wider and squeezed the other's hand harder.

It came to the point where Hyung-Min finally pulled his had away with a lot of force.  He held onto it, as it was in pain.

"That was for all of the horrible things you've done to my baby." Jin said with a really mean look, turning to Y/N and grabbing onto her hand.

"Her?  Ha, she was good for a few nights in bed, kinky, yes it was.  But after that she was nothing to me, I guess things still haven't changed." Hyung-Min smirked.

Jin turned around angrily, and gave Hyung-Min a sharp smack to the face.  

That's definitely going to leave a mark.

"Karma's a bitch." Jin said, smiling his brightest smile all day, and left the store with Y/N in his arms.


I like writing fights now. 😂


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