Scary Movie | Jungkook

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"Hey baby!  Are you excited for October, month of ghosts and ghouls?" Jungkook asked.  He, of course, was a huge fan of the holiday.  You, however, were not.  When you were little, your Dad would always scare you in the worst ways possible.  But he enjoyed seeing your scared reaction, and you liked seeing him happy, so you let him carry on with it.

"No!" You hid your face back under your blanket, allowing the soft material to consume you.

"Aw baby, it's not that bad, you have Daddy to protect you!" Jungkook said in a superhero voice.

He began to tickle you as you laid defenseless under the covers, and you began to giggle and rapidly move your limbs all over the place.  After being kicked in the.... yeah, Jungkook finally got the message that it was time to stop, and clutched onto himself like it was going to help stop the pain.

You heard his mumbled groans and came up from the covers, "Daddy huwt?"

Jungkook had his eyes shut tight and his teeth were biting down very hard on his lips, but he still shook his head no.

You looked at him questioningly, confused on how he wasn't hurt, but made himself look like he was.  "Daddy sure?" You asked again.

"Yes I'm sure baby." He said very fast and high pitched.

"Mmm, me no tink so." You hugged him, Jungkook let a chuckle slip from his mouth.

You smiled, knowing that you have success in your goal to make him feel better.

"Your so cute baby girl." Jungkook said, believing that the pain isn't as bad as it was before.

It was currently September 30th, and Jungkook was ready to set up decorations tomorrow, and completely orchestrate the house into becoming a place where you can find fake spiderwebs in every corner, plastic skeletons in every closet, and small pumpkins -baby punkin's as you called them- on every table.  That's not even a small amount for Jungkook.

"Hey, how about we get you into the spooky mood, we watch a movie." He suggested.

You hesitantly agreed, worried about what he was going to choose.  

"How about we watch Coraline?" Jungkook asked, the T.V. showing a small 10-second preview of the movie.  Coraline was walking around in a beautiful garden, then it ended.

That didn't look so bad, "Otay!"

He clicked the movie, then snuggled up against you, you doing the same.  "If you get scared just let me know okay?" He said, kissing the top of your head.

Scared?  What was there to be scared about?


Shaking, that's what you were doing at the moment.

Your tears were soaking Jungkook's sleeves as he tried to comfort you and tell you that it was just a movie, that none of it was real.

You had began freaking out when you saw the button eyes, but what was even scarier, was when the perfect little Narnia Coraline had, began unraveling and showing it's horror.

"Pease no make m-my eyes buttons D-daddy." You mumbled, clutching onto Jungkook's shirt with your fists.

"Don't worry baby," He kissed the top of your head once again, "I won't."


This one wasn't as good.

The whole thing with Jungkook's groin seemed to ruin it. 

But we have so much views on this book now!!!  2.1k guys!!!


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