Bullies PT.2 | Jungkook

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(EDIT: I have a lot of explaining to do)


***I just remembered I never did a part two to this. 😂

***Language & Violence

***Please re-read the first part if  you do not remember what was happening


Jungkook drove all the way to the school you both attend.

He stomped to the main office, with you not far behind.  You were scared however of what was going to happen, you didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially your Daddy.

"Hello!" The secretary said with a smile, which immediately faded when she saw the angry look Jungkook had on his face.

"Where's the principal?" He asked, face red with rage.

"B-back in his office," She said, pointing to a corner in the back of the room.

Jungkook didn't wait for her to hit the button to let him through, he just jumped the counter.  You, being in little space, just stood there and waited for the bar to raise.  As you walked away, you gave a nervous smile to the random girl that was watching the whole thing, her eyes wide.

"How dare you accuse me of not doing my job properly!" The principal yelled.

You flinched a little, not expecting to hear screaming.  You leaned against the wall outside of the office, and listened in on Jungkook's and the principal's conversation.

"How dare you allow foolish teachers to let bullying happen in their classrooms!" Jungkook yelled back.

"I'll have you know that I can give you a detention for this!" The principal shouted again.

"Well, I shouldn't be getting punished!  I'm not the fucking bully!" Jungkook spat.

You let out a loud gasp, Jungkook never swore around you.

"Okay then, who is it?" The principal said, getting a small bit calmer.

"Jaeho and Jackson!" (Oof sorry Jackson) 

"What?!  No, my kids are not like that." He said, getting more frustrated by the second.

"Kids!?" Jungkook was puzzled, "But you don't share the same last name."

"They're my step children."

"Well clearly you don't know how to raise them." Jungkook pointed out.

"Excuse me?!" You heard a rolling chair hit the wall and a loud slap.

"Don't ever say things like that to an adult, now get out!"

Jungkook came storming out of the principals office and walked right past you.  "Since, he isn't going to do anything about it, I will." He mumbled.

You trailed off a little behind him.  At the moment, you were slightly scared of Jungkook.  You had never seen him this angry before.

Nonetheless, you followed him.  It was school hours, and the first hour bell had just rang, signaling that everyone was in their class.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled.  You flinched at his harsh tone.  Blinded by anger, Jungkook didn't even notice.  You looked at him with glassy eyes, "Y-yes Daddy?"

"What is your first class?" He demanded.

"B-bilogy," You answered, mispronouncing the word.

He understood you, and knew exactly where to go.  There was only one biology room for sophomores.  He turned around and sprinted towards the room.  You of course went after him, except you were much slower, and waddled.

When you got there, you were too late, the door had shut.  Screaming could be heard from inside the classroom.  The door bursted open, hitting you in the nose.  You screamed and tears ran down your face.  Students fled the classroom, ignoring you as your nose bled.

The teacher even ran out with the students.

"Is it so fucking funny now?!" Someone shouted.

Bloody but curious, you entered the classroom to see Jungkook lifting Jaeho off the ground by one hand.  He was holding onto Jaeho's shirt.  The boy was choking.

"N-no," He gasped, struggling to get down.  Jungkook released the boy, and he fell next to his brother, Jackson, who was already on the ground with a black eye and bloody lip.

When Jungkook had Jaeho lifted, veins were popping out all over his arm.

Although you hadn't seen what happened to Jackson, he looked pretty bad, and was almost unconscious.

"D-daddy stop!" You cried.

Jaeho chuckled.  That was a huge mistake.

"What's so funny Jae-bitch?" Jungkook growled, pulling on the other's hair, lifting him to his feet.  Jaeho's eyes were tearful, but he refused to let them fall.

"N-nothing." He said, biting his lip in pain.

"What I thought." Jungkook spat, shoving the boy back onto the ground.  Although Jungkook was a little bit shorter than the twins,  he was much stronger.  After the class saw him punch Jackson to the ground, they were all going to be fearing Jungkook from then on.

You were obviously scared of Jungkook at this point.  He was different.  This was not your Daddy.  This man was swearing, red-faced, and had throbbing muscles.

Your nose continued to bleed, tears and blood mixing together and staining your clothes.

After Jungkook finished his rampage, he turned to face you and relaxed his body.  He looked at you sadly and tried to approach you, but he failed, you backing away while tears poured down your face.

"B-baby, you're bleeding," He said, "Let me help darling."

"N-no, you scawy." You said, watching sadness overcome Jungkook's face.

"No, no, no," He said, eyes becoming glossy, "I didn't mean to scare you sweetie, I was trying to protect you, I promise I won't hurt you."

You looked at him hesitantly, but he convinced you to let him help.

Walking over, you let him pick you up, but you began to shake and tear up again.  "Sh, baby, it's okay, I will not hurt you." He wiped your tears away.

"Let's go home and fix you up."

With that, Jungkook carried you out of the room, leaving the injured terror twins behind to suffer.


So hi!

Yeah, I'm EXTREMELY late with this, I know.

Band is OFFICIALLY OVER.... but I still have a Christmas Parade in a few weeks, ughhhh.

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving!  I performed in America's Thanksgiving Parade!  I am a colorguard, I froze to death.  I cried after T.V. time, but I was so cold that the tears froze before they even went on my face, so I just looked very tired and swollen.

I guess that's the end of my explanation, hope you enjoyed the chapter!  I hope to not leave for a month ever again, but if I do, I better have a good reason for it!



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