The Anpanman | Hoseok

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You threw the remote across the room for the fourth time that day.  You were completely frustrated with yourself and everything that has been going on lately.

Your boyfriend had left you, again.  It's a normal thing now.  He leaves, wanting a break, then a few weeks roll by and he's back at your front doorstep.  You had had enough.

The stress of work was adding on top of it, your boss wasn't letting you take sick days because he felt you were using them too loosely.

But luckily, it was a Saturday, and you really needed to get away from everything.

So you got in your car, and drove off to an all too familiar place.


You parked your car on the side of the road, staring blankly at your destination.

Did you really want to come here?

You honestly had no idea how to answer that question.  There are memories of you and him, but those were the happiest moments that you've ever had.

The park.  Where children of all mindsets can come to play.

As the sun was starting to set, and the darkness was enveloping the town,  you thought about going back home.  But seeing the lonely playground stopped you.

You couldn't help but slip, and the lonely playset was filled with your laughter.

It's just too bad your energy didn't last long.  It was 11 at night, and you were very sleepy.

Still not wanting to leave, you found a bench that you thought would be super cozy, and laid down to sleep on it.

With just one yawn, sleep took over you, and you were definitely not waking up for anything.



I watched her the whole time.

After leaving her, I came to the park and reminisced all of the fun times we had here.

Turns out she thought the same way.

Her car was there for hours, and she didn't move as she sadly watched kids playing on the playground.

I could tell she so desperately wanted to join in on the fun.  Seeing the lonesome gaze in her eyes made me feel guilty, and longed to be with her once more.  I wanted to tell her that I'm sorry, and I wanted to hold her close again.

That's why I stayed.  After she fell asleep on the bench-

The little bug could always sleep anywhere.

-I had a strong urge to approach her.

So I did.

I walked up to her sleeping figure, and kissed her forehead.-

Such a heavy sleeper you are.

-A tear almost slipped from my eye.  I can't believe I let her go again.

I can't believe she keeps taking back a jerk like me.  Why?  Why does she always forgive me?

After all of my stupid mistakes, she still forgives me.

I know one mistake I won't make though, leaving her in the park by herself in little space.


"Hey, shut up!"

A sudden cry of pain woke me up from my slumber.-

Where am I?

-"Get up you little-"

Another whimper rang through my ears.-


-I jumped up off the ground and raced over to the bench from last night.

A man was trying to get Y/N to go with him.  BY PULLING HER HAIR!?!?!?!

But of course, me being the person I am, I didn't come off as threatening as I had hoped to be.

"Woah, woah, what's going on?" I asked the man.

I seemed to have scared him.  He let go of Y/N's hair, and she fell to the ground crying.

Clearly the man was intoxicated and very tipsy.  "God!  All I'm trying to do is get this snack to come home with me!" He rambled.

"Well, Im sorry, but she isn't a food nor someone that would ever want to come home to the likings of you."

"Excuse me?!" The drunk man tried to stand up.  He gripped one of his hands on Y/N's shoulder and she let out a whimper that broke my heart.

"Okay that's enough."

In one swift movement, I picked up Y/N- who clung onto me tight- and ran towards my car.

The man shouted at us but I ignored every word.

How could I possibly listen when my baby is back in my arms again?


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I got sick.

Also.... pt. 2 or no?


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