I'm So Into You

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A/N: It helps to listen to Into You by Ariana Grande either before or during this story.  


"I'm so into you, I can barely breathe," Joey sang from the kitchen. The timer went on the microwave and he pushed the button to make it stop before continuing, "And all I wanna do is to fall in deep,"


"Yeah?" He called back to his girlfriend who was currently on the couch scrolling through her Twitter timeline with Diane in her lap.

"Why are you singing Ariana Grande?" Lauren replied as Joey stuck his head around the doorframe holding a carrot.

"It's on the radio!" He grinned, reaching back to turn the volume up so she could hear it better. The song was just about to hit the chorus and feeling an overwhelming urge just to make Lauren smile, he gripped the carrot tighter and stepped out into the dining room singing as loud and off key as he could. "Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move, before I make a move," He grinned, wiggling his hips off time as Lauren twisted her head around to look at him.

The smaller brunette laughed, her eyes lighting up as her boyfriend stuck his butt out and started the chorus.

"So baby come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it, a little bit dangerous, but baby that's how I want it, a little less conversation and a little more touch my body, cause I'm so-" he held the carrot out for Lauren to sing the last part but instead she rolled her eyes, a small grin on her face as she returned to her Twitter feed.

Not one to be beaten, Joey made his way around to the front of the couch, still singing into his carrot.

"Got everyone watching us, so baby let's keep this secret," he paused, "Lo, this song is about us,"


"Keeping it secret!"

"JoJo, that's one line,"

"But I'm so into you," He grinned, throwing her a wink as she looked at him with fake disappointment her smile revealing her true feelings.

"Oh my God," she groaned as Joey laughed. He threw the carrot down causing Diane to go in search of the food and reached immediately for Lauren's hands. "What're you doing?" She asked, but Joey was too busy singing to her to answer.

"Oh baby look what you started, the temperature's rising in here, is this gonna happen?" He pulled her up despite her resisting and ducked his head down to her level, "you made the temperature rise Lo," he grinned pressing a kiss to her forehead, his hips still moving of their own accord.

"I think that was the microwave," she grumbled, begrudgingly moving her hips to match his own.

"Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move," he sung, pulling her hands until she looked up at him with a small smile on her face.

"Why don't you make a move?" She asked, almost laughing.

"Before I make a move," Joey sung completing the lyric. "So baby come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it, a little bit dangerous but baby that's how I want it," He pulled her hands into his chest as she laughed fully now, "A little less conversation and a little more touch my body," he moved her hands down his chest in an 'S' shape and she groaned through a laugh.

"Joey!" Lauren whined, her head tipped back. He shuffled into her space and locked her arms around his back.

"Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you," Joey sung, his own arms wrapping around her waist, keeping her close. "Got everyone watching us, so baby let's keep this secret," he lifted a finger to her lips, miming being quiet and couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of love he felt for the girl in front of him as she laughed at his dorkiness. In complete synchronisation they moved their hips as one, fully pressed together. He finished the chorus, ducking down to her ear and singing quietly, "Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you,"

"Okay, I take it back, this song is about us," Lauren said over the radio, her forehead resting on Joey's collarbone.

"I'm glad you finally see sense," The taller brunette smiled, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.

"This song is so good,"

"It's a tune, right?" Joey laughed, stepping back as the bridge started. She grinned up at him and he grabbed her hands from his waist and pressed a kiss to each palm as she rolled her eyes, her grin turning into a smirk as the chorus played.

"So baby come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it," Lauren sung, pulling her hands from his grasp and motioning for him to step closer.

"She does sing!" Joey exclaimed before doing exactly as he was told. He took a few steps into her space and lifted his hands to her waist before she pushed them away. He let out a small groan but understood what she wanted.

"A little bit dangerous, but baby that's how I want it," They were fully in each other's space now, inches between their bodies as they danced together. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife as the petite brunette bit her lip and smirked, "A little less conversation and a little more touch my body," Lauren continued, she flipped her hair over one shoulder exposing the long expanse of her neck and stared up at Joey through thick, dark eyelashes. "Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you,"

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Joey placed a soft kiss behind her ear, trailing open mouthed kisses all along her neck until he reached her collarbone. Lauren shivered from the feeling, her eyes falling shut and her hands coming in-between them to grip Joey's shirt, keeping her upright. Taking the signal from Lauren, he placed his hands on her hips, pressing her tightly against him as he bit the skin between her shoulder and neck, marking her as his. The song continued in the background, but neither was really paying attention as Lauren's hands trailed to the bottom of Joey's shirt and he pulled back so they could remove his shirt. The t-shirt was on the floor in seconds and as soon as it was gone, Joey reattached his lips to Lauren's, his hands already tugging at the romper she was wearing. Desperate for more of each other, the smaller of the two reached for Joey's belt and he whined against her lips finally pulling back.

"Lo," he managed, watching her chest heave as she took deep, heavy breaths, recovering from their make-out session. She held up a finger and smirked at him, meeting Ariana for the final lines.

"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body," she reached for his hand and began walking backwards the second they connected, aiming for their bedroom.

"Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you."


Okay don't get used to this schedule - this was another one I happened to have already written that needed a place to go. 

This time I will dedicate this to the wonderful @BecMolloy for Facetiming me this morning and not telling me there was someone else in the room as I rambled about Lauren for twenty years. Hope your friend didn't think I was completely insane?

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