Everything We Need Is Enough Pt.2

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"Joey?" Lauren called out as she knocked on the boy's dressing room door. Brian Holden appeared in the doorway and smiled at her stood there in half of her Draco Malfoy costume. "Joey in here?" She asked peering around the boy in front of her.

"Yeah, come in," he laughed, standing aside for her to enter the dressing room.

"Hi Lo," Joey grinned, making his way over to her and away from the majority of the boys in the room.

"Hey JoJo, I need some help,"

"What's up?" He asked finally coming to a stop just in front of her.

"Can you tie a tie?" She laughed holding two pieces of a tie on either side of her neck.

"Yeah sure," he smiled, taking the ends from her hands and making quick work of the job.

He couldn't help his eyes straying to her face as his fingers diligently made fast work of the knot. Lauren had been his best friend since his first year at Michigan and although she had graduated and lived what felt like a million miles away from him they were still inseparable. From the moment he met her he knew he liked her, and not just in the friend way. She was funny, kind, smart, loyal, loving and just an all-round wonderful person, not to mention that she was incredibly physically attractive too. Now she was back for A Very Potter Sequel he couldn't help but be excited by the prospect of spending more time with her. He smiled softly as she caught his gaze and wondered whether he'd ever work up the courage to tell her how he felt. He swallowed hard under the intensity of her stare and looked back down as he adjusted the knot. Joey slid his hands under her collar and tucked the tie underneath before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"All done," he said softly, his hands still at her neck.

"Thanks Joey," she smiled up at him through long dark lashes until their moment was interrupted by Brian.

"What was that?" He exclaimed, laughing as both Joey and Lauren took steps away from each other, "Thanks Joey," he imitated Lauren, pretending to flutter his eyelashes as the girl in question laughed.

"Shut up Brian," she reached across and shoved him as Joey chuckled.

"Oh here," Brian continued his impression, this time of Joey, "let me fix your tie for you Lauren, I'll be your hero,"

"Fuck off," Joey laughed, fighting a blush as Lauren laughed harder.

"It's not my fault I can't tie a tie!"

"I can tie a tie!" Dylan exclaimed as he entered the room, Julia in tow with a camera in her right hand. "Why didn't you ask me?"

"Why do you think Dyl?" Brian winked overdramatically as Dylan reached for the tie around Lauren's neck. "She got a kiss from Joey, wouldn't get that from any one of us," Dylan put the offending item around his own neck and attempted to form a knot. When it was partially complete he reached for Lauren pretending to kiss her. She laughed and swatted him away as Brian made his way over to Dylan for his attempt at the tie.

Joey reached for her arm, donning a look of complete seriousness.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He was half concerned and half joking but she took it all in her stride nodding with a grin, not offended even a little and raised herself on tiptoes, grabbing his shirt and pretending to kiss him, her tongue poking out between her teeth as she giggled.

"Joey can you help me tie this tie please?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah sure," He took a step over to his friend and pretended to kiss him too causing Lauren to laugh even harder behind him. "Hey thanks for taking pictures Julia," Joey added as if he was going to fake kiss her too.

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