"I'm not jealous, I'm just practicing my pout," (3/16)

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"I'm not jealous," he hedged, "I'm just practicing my pout,"

Lauren laughed loudly, tipping her head back so her long hair spilled over her spine.

"Of course you're not honey," she grinned, taking a seat in his lap.

Almost immediately, Joey wrapped an arm around her middle, the other resting high on her thigh. Lauren rolled her eyes fondly at him, but interlinked their fingers at her waist.

They were currently at Lauren's best friend's wedding out in Palm Springs for a couple of days. The band had started playing and before Joey could ask, one of the best men had asked Lauren to dance. Not one to say to no to dancing, Lauren had acquiesced and joined him on the dancefloor.

Joey, therefore, had pouted his way through the whole song, glaring at the man who had dared to take Lauren away from his side. To be fair, he thought, the best man probably didn't realise Lauren was taken – they'd spent the majority of the wedding avoiding being overly affectionate in case they ended up in the background of someone's Instagram. But now she was back, he was not going to let her go.

"You can't seriously be jealous," Lauren said as the man she had finished dancing with stared at them from a few tables over.

"No," Joey shook his head petulantly as she stroked the back of his hand with her thumb.

"Then please stop gripping my leg so tightly,"

Joey relinquished his grip immediately, staring up at her apologetically.

"Sorry babe," he pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder.

"You know we've been together nearly six years right?" Lauren said, still staring at him, "we live together, have a dog together, spend almost every second of our days together,"

"I know, I know," Joey said, "I don't have anything to worry about and it's not even that, it's just," he sighed, "I don't know, I'm just jealous that someone else gets to spend time with you,"

Lauren let a slow grin spread across her face, she pushed a strand of hair out of his eyes and couldn't help the affection that enveloped her for Joey.

"You're adorable, you know that?" She asked.

"I just love you a lot," he replied, kissing her gently.

"I love you too,"

"Have I told you how incredible you look by the way?" Joey asked, causing Lauren to roll her eyes again.

"Only about five hundred times," she laughed, as he tightened his grip on her hand.

The pair were quiet for a moment until the sound of an old Train song floated through the air.

"Miss Lopez," Joey began, "would you care to dance?"

Lauren smiled back at him, her deep brown eyes boring into his.

"I would love to,"

He pushed her off of his lap and lead her out on the dancefloor, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing her tiny form into his. Gently he bent down to kiss her as they moved in a small circle to the slow song. When he pulled back to smile at Lauren, he shot a glare at the best man who had moved on to some other unsuspecting bridesmaid over her shoulder, relishing in Lauren's laugh as she realised what he was doing. 

These Babes: An Ongoing Richpez ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now