"You make me cliché, but I love it I guess," (9/16)

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"You make me cliché, but I love it I guess,"

"No, you don't,"

"Ugh you're right, I absolutely hate it," Lauren whined, tipping her head back and then flopping forwards into Joey's chest. He caught her gently and smirked a little as she groaned.

"Well, I love it," he shrugged.

"Good for you," Lauren sighed embarrassed. She pulled back and rolled her eyes at him.

"In fact, I'd love for you to tell me more about how my eyes are the windows to my soul,"

"Shut up,"

"Or how you feel fireworks every time we kiss,"

"I swear to God,"

"Or how waking up beside me every day makes your life infinitely better,"

"Joey!" Lauren hit his chest as he laughed loudly. "If you don't stop, I'm withholding sex for a month,"

Joey just laughed harder.

"You really think you could go a month without sleeping with me?" He asked, wiping away his tears of mirth as his girlfriend shifted her weight to the right.

"I could go six months without sex," she replied, folding her arms across her chest and staring at him pointedly. Joey tensed and went quiet, the situation suddenly not so funny anymore.


"You wanna find out?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," he mumbled, looking guiltily at the floor.

"You gonna stop teasing me about being a walking romance novel?"

Joey sighed.


"Good," Lauren grinned, she waited a moment and then said, "you wanna go-"

She didn't even make it to the end of her sentence before Joey's pout split into a grin as he grabbed her hand and yanked her toward their bedroom.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said, Lauren's laughter following them through the hallway.

They paused in the doorway, Joey pressing her tiny figure up against the frame as he kissed her thoroughly. His fingers played with the hem of her t-shirt as she stretched up on tiptoes, desperate for more of him. Joey's hands spanned her hips as he held her close to him, gasping slightly when she bit down on his bottom lip.

"Jesus Lauren," he whimpered, her hands already at his belt loops, "you are the best thing that's ever happened to me,"

Lauren pulled back to look at him, searching his face for sincerity before she burst into laughter.

"And you have the nerve to call me a cliché." She grinned. 


Just an A/N - I really hate this one, it's so short and so dumb but honestly, neither Lauren nor Joey would say "You make me cliché, but I love it I guess," so I worked with what I had 🤷🏻‍♀️

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