"Can we be alone for a bit?" (7/16)

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"Can we be alone for a bit?"

"You wanna get out of here?" Joey asked, sliding his hands into hers effortlessly.

Lauren nodded, unable to stop the tears of frustration brimming in her eyes.

"Okay, come on," he swapped hands to place one on her back and gently lead her out of the packed room, avoiding the concerned look Meredith shot him.

Joey opened the back door and ushered Lauren toward the garden swing, taking a seat and pulling her in beside him. He gently wrapped an arm around her, grateful for the warm LA evenings.

"Sorry," she mumbled a few seconds later, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Joey replied, kissing the top of her head and stroking her arm through her sleeve.

"I wish I liked parties," she laughed and the brunette was glad to see her smile.

"They're overrated," he grinned, "I'd rather be at home with you and Diane and a good movie,"

"That's because you're a big sap who likes cuddling," she elbowed him lightly, letting him know she was teasing.

"So sue me," he shrugged, smiling down at his girlfriend.

The pair were quiet as they reflected on their evening, the gentle back and forth motion of the swing almost sending Lauren to sleep. It was June's birthday and whilst the day had been filled with friends and cake and swimming, the evening had seen a wave of guests turn up for a big evening party that had been a tad overwhelming. Lauren had of course made the rounds and said hello to everyone but she had seen Joey out of the corner of her eye talking to some people and wished she could just be alone with him, even for just a moment.

The bass from the party reverberated around the garden and from their position on the swing they could see they weren't missed.

"How do you manage parties so well?" Lauren asked, pulling her hands up into the sleeves of her cardigan. Joey shrugged.

"I'm a leo, we love the spotlight apparently,"

"You've been spending too much time with Julia," she laughed. Joey chuckled alongside her, his arm wrapping around her waist.

"I don't actually know," he said after a moment, "I just break it down person by person rather than think about the fact that I'm at a party,"

Lauren hummed as if that were something she might try before she snuggled into his jacket with a small contented sigh.

"I could stay out here forever," she said, looking up at the stars.

Joey looked back down at her, a soft smile on his face as he watched her.

"Then let's,"

Lauren looked surprised for a moment but then she smiled wider, tilting her chin up to kiss her boyfriend happily.

"Love you," she whispered as he chased her kiss.

"Love you more," he bumped her nose with his and then pressed a kiss to the tip as Lauren rolled her eyes playfully.

"Not possible," she mumbled under her breath. 


Make sure to check out the wonderful lauren-lopez-fangirl and Tittymitty 's prompts too because they are truly killing me. 

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