"You're my favourite," (12/16)

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"You're my favourite," Joey whispered to Lauren after a particularly long round of truth or dare which was now being followed up with a game of spin the bottle on the tour bus.

"Why'd you tell everyone Meredith was your favourite then?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as the girl in question across from her spun the empty wine bottle.

"Gotta protect our secret," Joey replied, nudging her shoulder with his gently.

"JoJo, literally everyone on this bus is pretty sure we're sleeping together," she rolled her eyes, still pretty pissed off that he had said Meredith and not her.

"Well sorry for not wanting everyone to know I have a huge soft spot for you," the brunette said as he watched Meredith lean across the circle to kiss Brian a giant grin on her face.

Lauren sighed, knowing he was right in some respects. They hadn't exactly defined their relationship and whilst it currently stood at something like friends with benefits, they both knew there was something more lurking under the surface, dying to be released. If they admitted what they were doing to other people, they'd call them dumb and in love and it would probably end up pushing them both away from each other. Calling attention to the situation in truth or dare would've only made it entirely worse.

Jaime reached across the circle and spun the bottle, sighing when it landed on Brian again.

"I'm sorry," she said finally, "I didn't mean to be a moody bitch,"

"It's okay," Joey said, rubbing her back softly, "I know you know you're my favourite,"

Lauren laughed a little despite herself and rested her head against Joey's shoulder. Jaime crawled across the circle and kissed Brian chastely before sliding the bottle to Dylan.

"So you know that I have a massive soft spot for you too?" She asked quietly.

Joey gently laid a hand on Lauren's thigh, squeezing softly in place of being able to actually kiss her.

"I know we're not speaking about it for obvious reasons but do you think before I go back to LA we could talk about," he paused, the grip on her thigh tightening slightly, "us or the possibility of us in the future?"

Lauren sighed, her hand coming up to play with the fingers on her thigh. She had known this was coming. This conversation was always going to happen and she supposed they should have it before things turned weird between them.

"I'd like that," she said finally.

Joey turned to look at her, forcing the shorter girl to sit up and face him too. His dark brown eyes were blown wide and she was momentarily frightened he might say 'fuck it' to everyone else knowing and take her right there on the couch, but he restrained and reached for the bottle, his eyes still on hers.

Slowly, Joey refocused on the spin, pushing it and praying it would stop on Lauren. When it bypassed her and landed on Brian, again, he shifted uncomfortably but leant across the circle to kiss him quickly.

"I'm really tired guys, I'm gonna head up to bed," Lauren declared with a fake yawn and stretch.

"Lauren, this isn't your bus," Jaime reminded her.

"You can bunk with me Lo," Joey said, far too quickly and the smaller brunette rolled her eyes at his obviousness. She stared at him for a moment when he still hadn't moved.

"Do you want to show me where you sleep? This isn't my bus," she reiterated.

"Oh! Right!" Joey jumped up to a chorus of laughter. "That's my cue," he grinned.

Lauren began walking in the general direction of the bunks as the sound of catcalls followed them down the walkway. She hopped up into Joey's bunk without waiting for him and slid over to make room.

"You already knew which bunk was mine," he said accusingly.

"Thought we could get a head start whilst they're playing spin the bottle," she smirked as he climbed in beside her. Her fingers immediately went to the collar of his t-shirt to pull him into a kiss through his laughter.

"You're so smart," he grinned, rolling on top of her as she smiled beneath him.

"Show me why I'm your favourite," she smirked.

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