"I'd feel better if you kissed me," (10/16)

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"I'd feel better if you kissed me," Lauren pouted from her position on the couch.

"No way," Joey laughed, holding his hands up as he backed away from her, "I don't want to get sick,"

"You're evil," she pouted as Diane hopped up onto the couch beside her. "Diane will give me a kiss," she said, holding the dog at arms-length when she tried to lick her. "Ew, don't actually,"

Lauren placed the chihuahua in her lap, satisfied when she curled up easily and promptly fell asleep.

"Let me get you some water or something," Joey said, making his way into the kitchen.

"I don't want water!" She exclaimed after him, "I want a kiss!"

"Well you're not getting one," Joey called back from the kitchen with a laugh.

"Then I'm breaking up with you," she said with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest petulantly.

The tall brunette appeared beside her almost instantaneously with a large glass of water and a pack of multi-vitamins.

"You're gonna throw away six years because I won't kiss you when you're sick?" He asked teasingly.

"Yep," she nodded, refusing to look at him.

Joey brushed her hair away from her forehead and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Is that better?"

"Not a proper kiss," Lauren replied, already softening.

"What about here?" He asked, kissing her collarbone gently.

Lauren shook her head.

"I'm not even sick anymore," she twisted her head to face him, her hand coming up to cup his face. "And don't you think you would've gotten it by now considering we live in the same space?"

Joey relented slightly, she did have a point, being together practically twenty-four seven made the probability of him catching her sickness much higher and he was still perfectly healthy. The likelihood of him being ill was incredibly low at this point.

"Come on, Joey," Lauren whined. He could see in her eyes that she knew she'd broken him down and was almost certainly getting her kiss.

"Take your multi-vits," he said, handing her the packet before walking away.

"Where are you going?" She called.

When there was no response, Lauren took the tablets as he'd asked, and drained around half of the glass of water. She flicked the TV on just as Joey reappeared in the doorway wearing his pyjamas.

"What're you doing?" She laughed.

"Budge over," he sighed, their duvet trailing behind him.

Lauren carefully moved Diane to the floor and shifted so Joey could join her on the couch. He threw the duvet over them both and motioned for her to come closer. She grinned up at him and shuffled so she was practically in his lap, his arms wrapped around her contentedly.

"I figured if I'm going to get sick I might as well do it properly,"

Lauren laughed loudly, sitting up a little to rest her forehead against his.

"Does this mean I can kiss you now?"

"Well," Joey paused, "I didn't put on my pj's for you not to kiss me,"

Lauren smiled softly, stretching up a little further and pressing the smallest of kisses to his lips.

"Much better,"

"That's it?" Joey exclaimed, "all of your whining and break up threats for that tiny kiss?"

Lauren laughed, unable to resist teasing him.

"Come here you big baby,"

With that, she bridged the gap, her hands resting on his chest as she kissed him properly for the first time in days. Suddenly, she couldn't help but feel a whole lot better. 


We are officially in a thirty ish day countdown until I publish my new multi-chapter... I cannot wait to share it with you guys!!

6 of these to go and maybe one more as a bonus!!

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