"Since it's you, I'm gonna let it go," (15/16)

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"Since it's you, I'm gonna let it go,"

Kind brown eyes smiled down at her softly as she repeatedly thrust napkins into his hands.

"I'm so sorry, this is what? The third time I've not put your lid on properly?" Lauren asked.

"Honestly, it's fine," the boy laughed, dabbing at his Michigan Wolverines t-shirt.

"I've ruined your shirt as well haven't I?"

"Seriously," he laughed, "it's fine, it'll come out in the wash,"

She tilted her head, disarmed by his charm and kindness.

"You're a Michigan student?"

"By day," he grinned

"And by night?" she laughed, unable to help herself rolling her eyes playfully.

"Dead to the world?" He replied, finally putting his napkins in the trash as she handed him his now properly lidded coffee cup.

"I'm gonna lose us a customer one day," she sighed a little, catching his eye apologetically.

"I think you're the reason you still have customers," the boy said with a smirk, "I'm Joey by the way," he added at her flush.

"Lauren," she replied, eyeing the queue that was forming, "tomorrow morning, the next one's on the house," she grinned, throwing a towel over her shoulder and greeting the next customer.

"It's a date!" Joey called back with a smirk.


The following day Lauren made sure to hand Joey his coffee in a screw top cup to avoid all further spillage incidents. She offered him a grin as their hands brushed and smiled even more when he took a seat next to the counter so they could talk.

"I didn't know you made screw top lids," he said brightly, admiring the new coffee cup in his hands.

"They're the re-usable ones," Lauren replied, wiping down the counter.

"They're nice and very you-friendly,"

"Me-friendly?" She laughed, catching his eye.

"Yeah, you can't throw it down my top on purpose three days in a row," he said cheekily. He looked up at her through dark lashes when she laughed in response, feeling his breath catch in his throat as he admired her.

"It wasn't on purpose!"

"It's okay Lauren, if you wanted me to take my t-shirt off, all you had to do was ask,"

"Oh, shut up," she swiped at him with her towel as he laughed harder.

"Or if you didn't like my fashion choices, you could just say," he shrugged, "I only have about four t-shirts though so you'll have to go careful,"

Lauren sat down heavily in the chair opposite him as she surveyed him carefully.

"Y'know," she started, "I don't think I've not put a lid on a cup properly in about a year,"

"Uh," Joey hedged, he flushed and scratched the beck of his neck awkwardly, "must be my handsome good looks," he mumbled, "they put you off,"

"Actually, come to think of it, I don't I've ever messed up a lid," she paused "Aside from yours, of course,"

She narrowed her eyes at him, placing the towel on the table between them.

"Is this your way of picking up girls?" Lauren asked, leaning forward as if to interrogate him.

"Is it working?" Joey tried, attempting the puppy dog eyes.

"If you tell me the truth it might," she shrugged, leaning back and folding her arms across her chest.

"Alright fine," he huffed, "I couldn't get you to notice me for like a week, then I saw you hand a customer a napkin and I had a stroke of inspiration," Lauren laughed, her arms unfolding.

"A stroke of idiocy more like," she grinned, "why didn't you just say 'Hi, I'm Joey'?"

"Have you looked in the mirror recently?" He asked her gently as she blushed, "I wanted to get your attention,"

She seemed to think this over for a minute before she stood up and tucked the chair under his table.

"You're cute," she said, revelling in the surprised smile Joey gave her, "but tomorrow, you're bringing the coffee."

These Babes: An Ongoing Richpez ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now