You Make It Better Like That

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"Do we really have to go, Lo?" Joey asked, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

"Stop fidgeting," the brunette replied, staring at him behind her in the mirror. She pulled the straighteners through her hair one last time before switching them off and moving to stand in front of him. Lauren pulled Joey's hand away from his baby pink tie and straightened it with an eye roll.

"But I hate wearing ties," he groaned, "and suits," he added, slouching to one side petulantly.

"Suck it up babe," Lauren replied, a hand still on his chest as she looked up at him through her eyelashes. "It's your cousin's wedding reception, we stick around for a few hours and then we go home, okay?"

Joey sighed melodramatically and watched as Lauren's lips tilted up in a smirk.

"Fine," he grumbled, bending down to kiss her lightly. "Have I told you how incredible you look yet?"

His girlfriend rolled her eyes but stretched up on tiptoes to kiss him quickly.

"Yes, now don't forget to unplug your phone, we're gonna be late."

He watched her stride from the room to grab her leather jacket and prayed once more that a freak snowstorm would strike LA and force them to stay at home. Then they could rent a movie and cuddle Diane all from the sanctity of their own apartment. At least he had Lauren by his side, he mused thoughtfully as he grabbed his phone from his bedside table. It couldn't be that bad.

An hour later his girlfriend was no-where to be found. Joey tugged at the top button on his shirt wishing he'd worn something more casual as he looked around the crowded marquee for Lauren. He spotted a back exit through the house and wondered how successfully they could sneak out early without being found out. With a sigh, Joey took a sip of his drink and continued to look around the outdoor space. He had to admit; his cousin had done a great job with the decorations. Fairy lights surrounded the upper portion of the garden where people remained at their tables talking, whilst the bottom half, AKA the dance floor, was littered with people dancing and singing out of tune. It looked like Lauren's worst nightmare. God, without her by his side he was really starting to wish he had a stronger drink. Before he could drain the remainder, a small hand snatched the glass from his hand and tipped it down the back of their throat.

"Shall we dance?" She asked.

Joey grinned wolfishly at Lauren who slammed the empty cup on the table and slid her hand into his, pulling him down to the lower half of the garden. He couldn't help the chuckle that left him as she practically dragged him onto the outskirts of the dance floor. His own personal whirlwind and saviour had quite literally swept him away from boredom.

"You know I love you; did I ever tell you?" He asked as she stopped in front of him and reached for his other hand.

"Every day JoJo," she grinned, placing his hands on her waist as she stepped into his space and locked her arms around his neck, rising onto her tiptoes as she did so.

"Where have you been?" He asked into her hair.

"Got stuck talking to your great uncle," she sighed, "he's a republican,"

"Ew," Joey grimaced. "Well, I missed you,"

"You?" Lauren smirked as she looked up at him, "the social butterfly himself missed me?"

"I don't really like any of these people," he replied quietly.

"Ah, so I saved you," she grinned.

"You make everything better," he laughed.

She hummed contentedly, resting her head on his chest as a slower song played through the speakers. Joey tightened his arms around her and cast a quick glance around the rest of the garden. Everyone was talking and dancing but for some reason the only place he felt like he fit was in Lauren's arms. The whole party felt deflating and he found his gaze edging back towards the exit. His parents would kill him if he didn't at least stay until midnight. As long as Lauren was with him, he could handle the next hour at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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