"You love me." (6/16)

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"You love me."


"Oh my god," Lauren said slowly, her hand coming out to support herself on the wall beside her, "you love me." She reiterated, finally looking up and catching Joey's eye.

"Lo," he started, approaching her slowly with his hands out in front of him, "don't freak out,"

"So you do love me?" She asked, her eyes wide and voice an octave higher than normal.

"Will you let me explain please?" Joey begged as he stopped a few feet from her.

"Oh God, everyone's been right for so long," Lauren mumbled as her gaze dropped to the floor.

"Everyone?" Joey asked.

"I didn't believe it because how could I believe it?" She rambled, "This is Joey, I thought, my best friend! He isn't interested in me! What a stupid thing to say!"

"Well I mean, it's not a very big jump,"

"And now it turns out it's all true and I must've been blind not to see it and God Julia is gonna have a field day when she finds out about this,"

"Let's not tell anyone about this," Joey pleaded, still an undercurrent to the conversation Lauren was having with herself.

"Jees! How did I literally not see that you like me?" She looked up, meeting his stare. "The Running Lines Club, that's not a real club is it?" Lauren asked softly.

Joey shook his head sheepishly.

"I made it up to spend time with you," he added unnecessarily.

"And my birthday road trip that everyone bailed on last minute?"

Joey nodded.

"They all knew,"

"Wow," she whispered, "how long?"

"How long?" Joey asked, confused.

"How long have you liked me?"

"Probably since the day we met," Joey said honestly, pushing hair out of his eyes with a sigh.

"The day we met?!" Lauren repeated incredulously.

"But I never intended to do anything about it, I mean, you were dating someone else" he shrugged, "but then I drunkenly told Brian that I had a tiny crush on you and ever since then he's been doing everything in his power to set us up,"

"Wow, what a wingman," the brunette finally cracked a smile.

"But I'm not expecting anything Lo," Joey said honestly, "I know you don't feel the same way so it's fine, I'm happy just being your friend," he stared at her earnestly. He would take anything he could get from Lauren and if that meant just being her friend, then so be it.

"What if I don't want to be your friend anymore?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Lo, I'll get over it," Joey said, suddenly terrified that he was about to lose her entirely, "we can still be friends,"

"No," Lauren laughed and Joey felt the weight shift from his chest slightly, "what if I want more too?" She asked, looking down at the floor nervously.

"Wait," he took another step closer to her, "you do?"

Lauren nodded timidly, still staring at the ground.

"Really?" Joey asked again and finally Lauren looked up with a little chuckle.

"Yes, you idiot!" She grinned.

"Okay," he grinned back at her, "then I'm gonna kiss you now,"

Lauren got there first, bridging the gap between them by throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. They stood together for a little while, their lips moving in synchronicity naturally. Joey placed his hands on her hips and pulled back a little.

"Was that okay?" He asked nervously. They were still so close he could count her eyelashes.

"Better than okay," she grinned, pulling him back down to kiss him again. 


This one's dedicated to lauren-lopez-fangirl Tittymitty ttreese and Kristen for being some of the chillest, most respectful, kindhearted, welcoming and all round great people that I have had the good fortune to find through these babes. I love you all <3

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