"You've kissed me like fifty times today," (5/16)

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"You've kissed me like fifty times today,"

"I missed you," Lauren shrugged, pecking his lips again.

"I was gone for three days," Joey chuckled, shifting so she was sat fully in his lap.

"Three days too many," she mumbled.

"You're cute," he grinned, kissing her this time and lingering for as long as possible.

"When you do you go away again?" The brunette asked, twisting a strand of hair around her finger.

"Too soon,"

"How soon is too soon?" She asked, her voice a little higher than usual.

"Like two days," Joey replied with a shrug.

Filming for Wayward Guide was really taking its toll on everyone involved. When Joey wasn't filming his own scenes, he was directing them and when he wasn't directing, he was helping the crew with the bigger set pieces, which meant he barely had any time spare to actually enjoy the process. It also meant he wasn't spending a lot of time at home with Lauren, where he really wanted to be. This weekend was the first weekend they had had together in over two months. Joey stared at her forlornly as she pouted back at him.

"You could come up," he suggested suddenly, unsure as to why he hadn't thought of that before.

"Come up?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, come stay with me whilst I'm out there,"

"Joey, I have a job," she laughed a little, touched at his thought process.

"Call in sick!" He grinned, "I haven't seen you properly in forever," he whined as she leant forward to kiss him quickly.

"I can't call in sick," she laughed.

"Take some time off then," Joey suggested, cupping her face in his hands.

"You really want me out there?" She asked, her brown eyes staring at him earnestly.

"So bad,"

She pressed forward and kissed him gently, her fingers playing with the hair at the base of his neck as his hands slid down to keep her against him.

"What do you think Diane?" Lauren asked as she pulled back, resting her forehead on his whilst still maintaining eye contact, "shall we take a little road trip with your father?"

From somewhere in the kitchen, the small dog barked in response causing both Lauren and Joey to laugh.

"I think she wants you to go," Joey grinned, linking his fingers together at the base of her spine.

"Aren't you going to be busy the whole time we're there though?" She asked with a small pout.

"Not the whole time," he replied, "and just knowing you're there will make me want to be with you so I'll work better," he paused, "it's a win-win!"

"You're dumb but I love you," Lauren laughed, leaning in to kiss him for what must be the sixtieth time that day.

"I love you too," he rolled his eyes playfully but kissed her back, happy that she would be by his side once more. 


Tomorrow's is my fave so far :)

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