"Don't look away from me," (2/16)

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"Don't look away from me," Lauren said angrily, "you know exactly what you did."

There was silence as brown met brown in an intense stare down.

"Stop looking at me like that!" She exclaimed, already feeling her resolve slipping.

When all that followed was more silence, Lauren sighed.

"Don't make me get your Dad in here," she said, pointing her finger at Diane warningly.

The small dog barked at her from her seat on the mat and Lauren stomped her foot.

"Joey!" She yelled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey babe, what's going on?" He asked, intensely typing something on his phone as he walked into the living room. Joey stopped briefly to press a kiss to her cheek before he scrunched his nose up. "Did you shower today?" He asked, staring at her.

"Your daughter went for a shit on the rug," she paused, "AGAIN!"

Joey laughed, throwing his arm around Lauren's shoulders and staring at the small dog in front of them as he pocketed his phone.

"Hey, she's as much your dog as she is mine," he said, still laughing.

"Joey it's not funny! This rug was expensive,"

"How does that much shit come out of a tiny dog?" He mused, looking at the pile on the rug.

"Joey!" Lauren whined.

"Right, sorry," he arranged his expression to one of anger and bent down so he was closer to Diane, "this was very bad Diane, do you understand?" He waggled his finger at her, "no more pooping in the house!" He straightened and turned to Lauren as Diane whined. "Better?"

"Thank you," she said softly, "it's important we put on a united front otherwise she'll never learn to respect us,"

"Lo, we've had Diane less than a week," he laughed, "we're bound to have a few teething problems at first," he pressed a kiss to her temple with a small smile.

"I just feel like all I do is yell at her," Lauren said quietly. Joey wrapped his arms around her, tugging her into his chest gently.

"You're doing great," he said into her hair, "and Diane loves you,"

"As she should," Lauren mumbled into his t-shirt, "all I do is pick up her shit and give her treats,"

Joey laughed, scrunching up his nose as he pushed Lauren away by her shoulders.

"The two most important things you can do for a dog," he grinned, kissing her gently.

Joey made to leave until Lauren grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her.

"Just where do you think you're going?" She asked incredulously.

"Back to do some work?" Joey replied, confused.

"Oh no, it's your turn to pick up the poop mister," Lauren reached into a wicker basket on their bookshelf and handed him a small plastic bag, some carpet spray and a cloth.

"Ah man," Joey whined, but he moved to the carpet on his hands and knees and began cleaning up the mess.

"Thanks JoJo," Lauren smirked, patting his butt on the way out. 


I also decided to make this harder for myself by starting every story with the actual prompt dialogue. So shout out to me for being an absolute moron. 

But bigger shout out to my mutuals for a year best bud @lauren-lopez-fangirl  love you girl, thanks for keeping me sane whilst I wrote these and my novel <3

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